Tuesday, March 29

Remembering Vietnam Veterans

 I am a Vietnam Veteran...  1969-1975...  I was in the US Navy in the area of communications...  I was stationed in Little Creek, VA just right around the corner from the Norfolk Naval Base, VA...

I remember that when I was wearing my uniform in the city of Norfolk or in the airport, having other American spit on me or throw trash in my direction, or call me hateful names...  none of these people actually knew me...  but they lumped me into the category of hating all people who were in the military...

Because I was in the military during the Vietnam War (that they call a conflict), I received the entire GI Bill...  and not only was my undergraduate degree paid for but my graduate degree was paid for except for $500.

Was the price I paid worth it?


Because of my time spent in the military serving this country, I have the RAMBO mentality...  I don't believe in war...  nor do I think war is the only solution when countries disagree...  BUT, if you hit me first, then I am going to KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU...  so you don't do it again...  or even think that you could do it again.

Because of our FREEDOMS here in America, I will always defend YOUR RIGHT to HATE AMERICA...  but will not stand by and let you destroy her...

Let's remember the Vietnam War as WHAT NOT TO DO...  America has no business sticking their nose into other people's wars...  and say, that we are here to protect OUR DEMOCRACY...  that's just bullshit...  people around the world don/'t want our brand of democracy because for 100 years or more we rubbed their noses in our democracy...  and, they dislike us...  and, rightly so...  I would hate us too if I were them.

America was founded to get away from the control of Great Britain...  and now, like Great Britain, we are trying to control other countries because we think our way is better...  maybe it is or maybe it isn't but that is YOUR CHOICE not OUR CHOICE TO MAKE FOR YOU...

Let's remember the Vietnam War, but let's remember it in light of what we did wrong...  not in terms of what we should do throughout the rest of the world.


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