Thursday, March 10

Off My Rocker...

Oftentimes, I sit for hours looking out at what nature has provided for us free...  and wonder why so many people have yet to appreciate the gift.  It seems to me that people are more worried about making money, buying things, and going places than they are concerned about just living...

It is no wonder that we are no longer a proud people but have become an arrogant people and think that we are better than everyone else because we have more of this and that.  When in reality we are poorer than we realize or willing to admit...

As an animal lover, I currently am the owner of three cats, all male, one siamese and two yellow.  Each one is uniquely different and special.  All three of them have acquired some sort of health issue and will probably not live much over the 12 years that they have already lived.  Taking care of cats has taught me:  patience and understanding and respect for their different abilities with trying to speak to me that years earlier would have left me frustrated and anxious.

This empathy and compassion bleeds over into the relationship that I have with my wife or my spouse or my partner whichever way suits your understanding.  Of course, it could also be age and no longer willing to argue that has changed me just as much...  still, I prefer to believe that it is the cats that are responsible for my personality change.

Cats like to take naps and actually spend most of their day or a good portion of it anyway, sleeping.  I am not sure why but that's what they do.  They are private individuals and hardly ever need human attention but when they do, cats can be very loving.  But, the one thing that has impressed me the most is that, in time, cats do not hold grudges which is something I have yet to accomplish.


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