Thursday, March 10

Off The Cuff

 Here I am this morning, sitting on the couch in my own living room, in my debt-free home watching FOX News when I keep hearing about the bullshit that's going on in Ukraine and I cannot believe that this damn country is not going over there and kicking ass when they are so willing to let illegal immigrants cross our borders without any consequences...

I mean...  how many times are we going to look stupid to the rest of the world?

And...  do you really think Vladimir Putin wants to put his small country into a THIRD WORLD WAR?

And...  do you really think China wants to get into a third world war either?

North Korea, is so chicken-shit that they would jump into a third world war in a heartbeat...  I was going to say in a New York minute but I don't think much of that city anymore...

America is the greatest country in the world and yet all we really seem to care about is CRT, being WOKE, removing statues, defunding the police, and reminding the white race that their ancestors owned slaves...

They need to get over it...  just like they want us to get over fossil fuels and buy these expensive damn electric cars and sit on our FAT ASSES while we wait for those frigging things to recharge...

Get real people!!!

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