Friday, September 24



Americans take their freedoms for granted because they have never been in a position where they have had their freedoms taken away except for by their parents, their school teachers and their places of employment...  and, in each and every case where their freedoms have been taken away, and especially as they get older, PEOPLE HAVE A TENDENCY TO GET PISSED OFF...  and REBEL...  they rebel in a variety of ways:

As far as their parents are concerned, they argue with them, run away from home, get into trouble to pay them back, or leave home for good.

As far as their teachers are concerned, they disturb the class, talk back to the teacher, avoid going to the class, get expelled from school, or quit school altogether.

As far as their places of employment are concerned, they slow down their productivity, destroy the product, come late to work, miss work days for a variety of reasons, talk back to their supervisor, poison the minds of other workers, get fired, or quit.

Some Americans have spent time in the military which loves to take away freedoms especially in BOOT CAMP so that you will learn to obey a person of higher rank.  After boot camp, this loss of freedom is totally contingent upon rank...  as one receives more freedoms back, the higher the rank that they attain.

Some Americans have gone to war to protect the freedoms that we have in this country and many lost their lives or were critically wounded and returned home disabled.

Those Americans who have not served in the military do not understand why some Americans are willing to go to war to protect our freedoms.

If you are a conservative American, your freedom of speech is in question and is being supressed because the other side...  the liberals...  do not want your opinion to be heard...  they only want their opinions to be heard...

FIRST OF ALL...  censoring opinions that you do not agree with is taking away someone else's freedom...  we must be allowed to hear ALL OPPOSING VIEWS so that we can intelligently make up our minds...  however, the liberals, do not think that the conservatives can intelligently make up their minds and it is up to the liberals to help them do that...

THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY...  when shit like this happens...

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