Sunday, September 26

Afternoon Ramblings

Life is short...

Life passes by quickly...

Life is change...

Life is temporary...

So...  what are we supposed to do with our lives?

Do we have a purpose?

Is there meaning with our existence?

It's complicated...  and yet, it is also simplistic...  in that we are born...  we live a certain amount of years...  we die...  and then...  what exactly?

No one knows although plenty have offered speculations...  especially the various religions and spiritual beliefs that say there is an after-life to which we journey after death.  An after-life without a body, as we become a spirit of sorts...  but, not necessarily a ghost per se...

And...  it is unclear if this spirit has a mind or a brain or a consciousness that comes with a memory or memories...  or, if it just floats around like a cloud in the sky pushed along by magnetic dark energy and matter.

However, some believe that there is a cosmic consciousness that is floating around in the universe that is comprised of all the knowledge and energy in the universe both past - present - future...  but, it is unclear if this cosmic consciousness is a repository for knowledge from humans or from ALL LIFEFORMS...  even though there is no conclusive proof that other lifeforms even exist.

It is also unclear to most of us if there really is a CREATOR that we refer to as GOD because of our exposure to The Bible, The Koran, and other religious texts and manuscripts that have been discovered from the following:

  1. Christianity
  2. Islam
  3. Judaism
  4. Sikhism
  5. Baháʼí Faith
  6. Atenism
  7. Hinduism - complex and depends upon the individual
On the other hand, faiths like:
  • Buddhaims
  • Janism
Just as many texts and manuscripts exist that address the concept of MANY GODS...  however, there is always ONE of these many gods who controls and/or is the leader of these other gods...  which is tangential to this one god concept and the foundation of CREATIONISM.

Was the universe and everything inside the universe created...  or was the universe spontaneously created out of nothing...  which begs the question how does one get SOMETHING FROM NOTHING?  So, if one believes this, then one does not support the notion that the universe was actually created but that it just came into being...  hence, no creation.

AND...  does any of this really matter to someone who just wants to get high on drugs and fornicate...  or to someone who just wants to wants to work in a factory and drink beer....  or to someone who just wants who just wants to sell illegal drugs to dopers????

Our entire universe and everything inside it, may just be millions of lines of programming code for as Matrix-like construct that is operating on someone's computer screen as some sort of virtual reality game to avoid doing their homework...

Mankind, however it was developed, lives in its own imaginative concept of reality that suits their purposes and nothing more...  we are a selfish and self-centered species who evolved with two inherent drives:  SURVIVAL & GREED.  Those who are not blessed with those two motivating atributes simply have a meaningless but oblivious life and who are unaware of anything outside their sphere of influence...

These people were simply born, evolved into adults, eat for nurishment, fornicate for pleasure, defecate out of necessity, and die out boredom and their final awareness of insignificance.  They either dance to the music or march to the beat of someone else's drums...


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