Saturday, May 29

A Rainy Valley Day

Rain symbolizes multiple things depending on the context in which it appears, but most commonly connotes sadness, rejection or despair... Because rain is a common natural occurrence vital for life, rainfall can also represent rebirth and emotional cleansing.

Today, in the Valley...  that is to say the TN Valley...  it has been raining for two days...  so, do I need to invest in some treated lumber and build an Ark?  Or, am I just being factious? 

Being an English Major in College, I spent a lot of time reading a variety of literary works and analyzing their content using a variety of methodologies, one of which was symbolism...  and the author's use of rain or some kind of flowing water.

Interestingly, The Bible uses rain as well in the form of a GREAT FLOOD that covered the land supposedly to rid the world of evil people, so that the descendants of Noah could repopulate the world.  Supporting the Great Flood Biblical Story is the fact that IN ALL OTHER GLOBAL MYTHOLOGIES, there is mention of a Great Flood that explained a variety of justifications.  Needless to say, all of them in one way or another depicted a CLEANSING of the WORLD so that a new and better society could be rebuilt.

my porch door is open to allow the cool weather to enter the house rather than use electricity to power our air conditioning unit.  There is no need to actually need electricity when there is not a need to do so.

Taking advantage of this rainy day, we have decided to drive to the big city of Knoxville and do a little shopping since we cannot spent anytime outside today.

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