Sunday, November 8

Komic Korner Kartoons


Where In The Bible Does It Say One Has To Attend Church?


Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV)

Romans 12:5
... so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (NIV)

1 Corinthians 12:12
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. (NIV)

1 Corinthians 12:14-23
Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," (NIV)

1 Corinthians 12:27
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (NIV)

Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (NIV)

1 Peter 4:10
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. (NIV)

1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (NIV)

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (NIV)

1 Peter 5:1-4
To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder ... Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. (NIV)

Hebrews 13:17
Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. (NIV)         SOURCE:

BUT...  the one that I like the best is...

Matthew 18:20  
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (NIV)
First Century Synagogue (time of Jesus)

As you read thru these passages, you will notice that NOWHERE is anyone GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS to ATTEND CHURCH...  nor, is anyone given instructions to enter a TEMPLE or a SYNAGOGUE..  NOW...  why do I mention a TEMPLE or a SYNAGOGUE?  Because, back in the days of Jesus there was no such CONCEPT as a CHURCH...  Jesus and his followers went into TEMPLES or SYNAGOGUES to do their preaching and spiritual story telling through parables.

Saturday, November 7

Earth to Earth and Other Places

When I was just a boy who was just a little rebellious, I chanced upon other lads who were in similar situations and we set about doing things that in our youth we should not do like borrowing cars to impress the older girls and breaking into homes just to see other places and before we finished having fun, we took a small boat out on the Potomac for a lark.

It was these fun times that landed me in jail but my parents broke me free when my father became a Diplomat and we moved overseas.  Unlike other places we could have gone, my father decided on Cairo, Egypt because it is the least likely place to have more fun.  So, instead of doing what I used to do, I learned quite quickly that Egypt had the best HASH in the land...  and, with a steady stream of alcohol us teenagers now had a new kind of fun that interestingly evolved into sexual fun and without precautions, we had no idea of the risks that we were taking until a pregnancy occurred and then the females imposed a moratorium.

With 3 years of college and 2 years in the military, I returned to the hallowed halls of academia and pursued my parent's dream of my education.  It was much easier then, since I was older, and hardly ever had to study just attend class and learn to listen.  Grad school was just a few years down the road and soon I was armed for bear which is not such a clever metaphor.

I paid little attention to politics but in case anyone asked I was a Democrat...  just because my parents were too I suppose but they were also more liberal than the stuffed-shirts Republicans who referred to themselves as just being conservative.  I was no conservative and had never been and planned not to be one forever, if that was even possible since forever is such a long, long time.

I hated gun rights because I did not like the violence of the Vietnam War that used guns and other weapons instead of talking...  and, while I did not give a rat's ass if a female had an abortion, I strongly agreed that it was her choice and not the government's.  In fact, I was against the government trying to control my life at all and formed an on paper company just to shelter money to lower my taxes.

A funny thing happened to me on my way (not to the Forum) to old age and that was I lost my LIBERAL ATTITUDE along the way and started leaning in the other direction.  My first sense of anything was my personal debt and the debt of our country.  I eliminated my debt but could not understand why my country would not eliminate their debt.  I saw the liberals as a bunch of individuals who just wanted the rich and wealthy via the government to pay for everything instead of earning it themselves...  and if, they had to cheat and manipulate others to get what they wanted they did and did so without hesitation.

All of a sudden like a psychedelic mushroom flashback, I realized it was the WEATHLY, not the middle class or poor, that provided us with employment even though it made them more wealthy to do so.  In my mind and quite logically I decided that to take money away from the wealthy and use it to give services to others was in actuality being counterproductive not to mention counter intuitive.

And, while the ridiculous battles raged on by our two political parties, behind the scenes were battle fought between the haves and the have nots and then as if a giant FART had exploded out of the government's ass, the black people decided they had not been treated fairly for over 400 years and that our Constitution written in 1776 did not apply to them since they were basically still black and that HATRED between the races was being perpetuated by the CAUCASIAN on a regular and daily basis.

MIND YOU, there were plenty of wealthy male and female black business people, wealthy male and female black musicians and singers, wealthy male and female black athletes, and wealthy male and female black actors...  it's just that there was not enough of them the black community thought and wanted our government to do something about that...  even though the black only represent 13% of America's overall population with Hispanics representing 18% of that same overall population...  and, they had no concerns at all.

HOWEVER, there was an under current growing in the political landscape...  a movement that would take our government from being a Democratic Republic to being a Socialist country where the society cared more about the people than about the wealthy.

Just for your information, there has NEVER BEEN a Socialistic country that has lead the world both economically and militarily since GOD created our universe...  but that little tidbit of information does not really matter...
  • It does not matter to American Liberals
  • It does not matter to America's Enemies
  • It does not matter to America's Wealthy because they have sheltered their money
  • It does not matter to America's Businesses since they will hire fewer people

So, America is in a State of Transition and she will move from being a Great Country to one of Mediocrity and we will have to ask other country to protect us as we can no longer defend ourselves.  And if... you think that I am kidding...  what do you think DEFUNDING POLICE DEPARTMENTS really means?  I know that the liberals said they were going to REDISTRIBUTE monies which is not really defunding...  but that is semantics.

Redistribute means take from one and give to another.  We do it all the time ourselves when we take money out of the VACATION FUND and redistribute it to our MEDICAL FUND.  

Redistribute means police departments will have less funds which means they will have less manpower and less other resources which means YOU will have less protection than before...

Funds from the military will be redistributed as well to pay for social programs and Medicare for ALL...

And, one thing that I have not talked about that comes with an economic slowdown is INFLATION...  if you have not experience that one yet, it can be devastating and you really have to experience it to believe it...

I am finally glad that I am 73 years of age and constantly getting older.

Are You/We Alone?

Being alone has never bothered me, in fact, sometimes I prefer to be alone rather than in the company of strangers or even family...  and, it is not that I don't like people or that people don't like me, it is more like I just don't have anything that I want to say to them and I don't want to join in on their conversations.

Unfortunately, we don't live alone and we have to interact with strangers and with family and it is because of this that most Americans FEAR BEING ALONE or by themselves because they NEED OTHERS in their lives with which to interact even if those interactions are relatively meaningless.

But, we do not want to see ourselves as living meaningless lives so we give it no thought as to the conversation or how stupid or insignificant it might be as long as we have people with which to talk.

My experiences with COVID-19 is that I have been tested twice and on both occasions my results were negative but the fact of the matter is that I really don't go anywhere except to doctor appointments and sometimes out to dinner and recently to the gym but whenever I go out and inside, I always wear a face mask even though others who are in and out hardly ever do...  and, what is sad about this who ordeal is that wearing a face mask does not protect you, it protects others from you...

Most of the time I would have to say people don't give a rat's ass if they are alone or not...  it is just not something that they think about because most of the time they are with others and when they are alone at the end of the day, they are sleeping...  but, that is not THE ALONE about which I speak.

Justificatio sola fide (or simply sola fide), meaning justification by faith alone, is a Christian theological doctrine commonly held to distinguish many Protestant denominations from the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches. The doctrine asserts that it is on the basis of their faith that believers are forgiven their transgressions of the law of God rather than on the basis of good works which they have done. This forgiveness is known as "justification". In classical Lutheran and Reformed theologies, good works are seen to be evidence of faith, but the good works themselves do not determine salvation
SOURCE:  Wikipedia

 "Where is your God"? (Psalm 42:9 & 10)

Both Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 reveal:  
“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

Yes...  you are thinking correctly...  Jesus was not speaking English...  a foreign language to us but it was HIS native language in the Middle East where he lived and preached and ultimately died...

But, let us return to YOU...   are you alone?  Or, do you have faith and hope that one day you will know GOD and HIS TRUTH and that you will live for all eternity rather than just a paltry 80-100 years?

And, would you again question your faith if the HUMAN RACE on EARTH was not alone either in its quest for survival?


And, if there was would that knowledge change your faith in HE who created you?

PLANETS IN THE UNIVERSE:  around 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe, and that's only counting planets that are orbiting stars.

That is a lot of planets I would have to say and the odds are in favor of finding not just another EARTH LIKE planet but planets that have other forms of intelligent life that do not look like us earthlings.

So, the ODDS ARE IN OUR FAVOR TOO that we are not ALONE because we are WITH GOD and OTHER LIFE FORMS even though we may never actually meet either one...



Friday, November 6

A God Given RIGHT To Control

This day has begun just like any other day has begun and will begin just like all other days will begin for me up and until that point-in-time when there are no more days beginning for me...  and if, you were to be quite honest with yourself, the same will happen to you, your children, and those you know...  even those you don't know that well...  it is simply a fact of life with which we all must contend at some time or other in our lives...  even though we may not want to admit it now.
  • Some of us will live wealthy...
  • Some of us will live poor...
  • Some of us will live in between the two extremes...
  • Some of us will live off the government...

Regardless of how we want to live, our evitable outcomes are all DEATH.

And, while this is not a wholesome concept about which to talk, it is nonetheless TRUE and will always be true up and until that point-in-time when we can freeze our bodies for as long as need be so that a cure can be found for our terminal disease.

This is a future that I will never see...  perhaps you my friends...  or not...  no one knows for sure.

So, we must live like we are in the present and with all of our past behind us and without knowing the future other than its potential predictions from our well educated forecasters.  And, while we are living in this condition, we are entitled to all that life has to offer...  and, even that reality depends upon where one lives and how wealthy one is or intends to be...  God Willing...  I suppose we could say.

that is not really our reality and our leaders never intended it to be.  And, while our leaders derive their POWER from the majority vote of the people, our leaders are still the only ones with the POWER and it is this POWER that they always believe they should never share since the people, more or less, do not know nor do they care to know how POWER is handled.

Handling POWER gave us:
  1. Our Independence/Constitution
  2. First and Second Amendments
  3. Slavery and the KKK
  4. The Civil War
  5. World Wars I and II
  6. Genocide of a Race or two
  7. The Cold Wars
  8. The Korean and Vietnam Wars
  9. Civil Unrest
  10. BLM and ANTIFA
  11. White Supremacy
  12. Abortion & Equal Rights
  13. Censorship of Opposing Views
  14. A Biased Media
  15. Terrorism and Patriotism
  16. Economic/Militaristic Supremacy
  17. Cultural/Ethnic Differences
  18. A God Given RIGHT To Control
We have OUTGROWN the WILL or the NEED for our CREATOR...  and, as sad as that may seem to be for some of us, it is nonetheless true.  Look around you and pay attention to what your neighbors are doing...  or, simply pay attention to what you are doing.

Can you see beyond tomorrow?
Do you care to see beyond tomorrow?


All Creatures Great and Small


Thursday, November 5



On the fundamental question of why some people are rich and others are poor, more Americans point to the advantages they possess – or the obstacles they face – rather than their work ethic. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) say the main reason some people are rich is because they have had more advantages in life than most other people; far fewer say it is because they have worked harder than others (33%).

An even larger majority (71%) says people are poor because they have faced more obstacles in life. Only about a quarter (26%) say they are poor because they have not worked as hard.

As in the past, these views are deeply divided along partisan lines, according to a new survey by Pew Research Center, conducted Jan. 6-19 among 12,638 U.S. adults who are members of the Center’s American Trends Panel. Large majorities of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say advantages in life have more to do with why someone is rich (82%) and that having faced more obstacles has more to do with why someone is poor (86%).  TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE, CLICK HERE...


SIMPLY PUT:   Wealth Redistribution is taking money from the Wealthy and giving it to the POOR...  exactly like the ROBIN HOOD SAGA.  This typically takes place VIA taxes on not just the wealthy but taxes on large corporations and businesses.

"We live in a market economy," says Warren Buffet...   and, because of this market economy in which Buffet is very skilled, he has become the 3rd wealthiest man in America.

But, what if money was awarded some other way, like through athletic ability or through artistic ability or through musical ability...  Warren Buffet would not be wealthy at all...

regardless of how WEALTH is generated, some people become wealthy while other people remain average or poor...  this is just how it works.

  • What if you had the acting ability of TOM CRUISE?
    • If you did, you would be worth over $500,000,000 and counting.
  • What if you had the athletic ability of MICHAEL JORDAN?
    • If you did, you would be worth over $1,500,000,000 and counting.

WEALTH is generated based upon one's ability in that area where WEALTH is possible...
  • wealth is not possible as an electrician
    • WEATH is possible if you own an electrical company
  • wealth is not possible as a carpenter
    • WEALTH is possible if you owned a lumber company
  • wealth is not possible as a waiter/waitress
    • WEALTH is possible if you owned the restaurant


Wednesday, November 4

Possibly Our New Leaders

With the Presidential Election too close to call, I am trying to imagine what life will be like in America with Biden as President and Harris as VP...  with a Republican SENATE...

  1. My taxes will go up because Trump's tax cuts will be removed...
  2. Medicare For All will drain our medical resources...
  3. Funds for Law Enforcement will be redirected...  resulting in less cops...
  4. Open Borders will result in a huge influx of immigrants...
  5. Senate investigations into Biden and Trump's Impeachment will continue...
  6. Biden will replace Bill Barr as Attorney General and all his investigations will STOP...
  7. Our Military will receive less money...
  8. Free College Education will DILUTE the importance of a college degree...
  9. OUR SOCIAL SECURITY might be increased...
  10. OUR MEDICARE PAYOUTS might be increased...
  11. Corporate and Business Taxes will increase...
  12. Biden will return all Government Regulations on business and industry...
I am a LIBERAL but I am not as LIBERAL as these NEW DEMOCRATS and I worry that our country will move into a direction that it may regret terribly down-the-road...

Trump's EGO and I DON"T GIVE A SHIT attitude hurt him more than anything else and while I did not vote for him in 2016 or 2020, the Democratic candidate was far worse of a choice.  America cannot lead the rest of the world, if it is ASSHOLE deep and DEBT and CENSORS all opinions that do not agree with their opinion.

HOWEVER, with a BIDEN victory, I am anxious to see how the mainstream media will report the negative shit that Biden inevitably will do...  it will have to see pros and cons now whether they like it or not...  and, that will be something new for Americans.

I am also anxious to see how Bernie Sanders and THE SQUAD influence Biden and Harris and how Biden's policies will begin to reflect how he lied during his campaign...


Back In The Day

What Was Life Like During The Time of Jesus Christ

The population of Palestine in Jesus' day was approximately 500,000 to 600,000 (about that of Vermont, Boston, or Jerusalem today). About 18,000 of these residents were clergy, priests and Levites. Jerusalem was a city of some 55,000, but during major feasts, could swell to 180,000.

Children in Jesus' day played games similar to hopscotch and jacks. Whistles, rattles, toy animals on wheels, hoops, and spinning tops have been found by archaeologists. Older children and adults found time to play, too, mainly with board games. A form of checkers was popular then.

Tradesmen would be instantly recognizable by the symbols they wore. Carpenters stuck wood chips behind their ears, tailors stuck needles in their tunics, and dyers wore colored rags. On the Sabbath, these symbols were left at home.

The second commandment forbade "graven images," so there are few Jewish portraits showing dress at the time. Also because of this prohibition, the Jews produced little in the way of painting, sculpture, or carvings. The masonry and carpentry of the day appear utilitarian. One notable exception to the commandment seems to be the tolerance of dolls for children.

At the two meals each day, bread was the main food. The light breakfasts—often flat bread, olives, and cheese (from goats or sheep)—were carried to work and eaten at mid-morning. Dinners were more substantial, consisting of vegetable (lentil) stew, bread (barley for the poor, wheat for the rich), fruit, eggs, and/or cheese. Fish was a common staple, but red meat was reserved for special occasions. Locusts were a delicacy and reportedly taste like shrimp. (Jews wouldn't have known that, however, since shrimp and all other crustaceans were "unclean.")   SOURCE:

there are a myriad of ways that males and females 
can experience/express incongruence between 
birth sex and gender identity.

This was never an issue back in the days of Jesus, so there was no real concept of homosexuality other than having sexual relations with another male as one might have sexual relations with a female as both would have been considered PROSTITUTES and willing to have sex for money.  So, when Bible verses express males not lying with another male, these verses are referring to PROSTITUTION and quite possibly INCEST, but not homosexuality.

Similarly, ABORTIONS has no real evidence of comment in the Bible...

Exodus 21:22–24 describes two men fighting and accidentally hitting a pregnant woman's stomach causing a premature birth that does not result in further injury as a non-capital offense and a "non-serious injury", unless it results in the crime of murder. Commentators such as Bruce Waltke have presented this as evidence that "God does not regard the fetus as a soul".  C. Everett Koop disagreed with this interpretation. 

Numbers 5:11-31 describes the test of the unfaithful wife. If a man is suspicious of his wife's fidelity, he would take her to the high priest. The priest would make a substance for the woman to drink made from water and "dust from the tabernacle floor". If she had been unfaithful "her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse." If she was innocent the drink had no effect.

Tuesday, November 3

Recently Wondering

To tell you the truth...  (actually implies that I have not been telling you the truth before...  but, is still a phrase that is commonly used in the South)...  I wonder often but recently I have been wondering about what might happen to AMERICA if President Trump DOES NOT WIN his bid for re-election...

Not only will the Democrats win the Presidency but they could win control of the HOUSE as well as the SENATE and if that is the case, AMERICA will change...  and, in my opinion will change for the WORSE not for the BETTER...  but again, this is one's perception...

First of all...
Biden will DO AWAY with Trump's TAX CUTS which will impact everyone even those that do not make enough money to be considered in Biden's tax increases

Second of all...
Biden will be influence by the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS who will push for MEDICARE FOR ALL and while that is a positive humanitarian effort for everyone, it will stretch our medical resources beyond their current limits.  It will be like everyone going to the ER instead of their family doctors.

Other ACTIONS...
  • A Civil War between Political Party Supporters will take place throughout the country
  • Washington, DC and Puerto Rico could become States which will submit Democrats to the House and to the Senate
  • Legislation towards severely limiting the Second Amendment will be passed
  • Legislation towards opening our borders to unlimited immigration will be passed
  • Legislation towards tearing down the border wall will be passed
  • Legislation toward expanding the Supreme Court will be passed
  • Legislation towards preventing Republicans from ever gaining a majority will be passed
  • Legislation towards free college education will be passed
  • Legislation towards a guaranteed income will be passed
  • Legislation towards going GREEN will be passed
  • Legislation towards redistributing law enforcement monies will be passed
  • Legislations towards paying black reparations for slavery will be passed
  • Legislation towards reducing the military will be passed

  1. Biden will fall ill and Kamala Harris will become President
  2. Russia will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  3. China will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  4. North Korea will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  5. Trade deals will be negotiated that do not favor Americans
  6. NATO will no longer trust America's Military Support
  7. Terrorism will no longer fear America's retaliations
  8. A college education in America will be damn near worthless
  9. America's NATIONAL DEBT will increase beyond its ability to pay back
  10. The worth of the American Dollar will decrease

Monday, November 2

Tomorrow is the Day

Election Day Tomorrow...

Boy oh Boy...

We are in a Presidential contest between:  Biden/Harris and Trump/Pence and most of the people and that includes the mainstream media...  HATES TRUMP for several reasons, the least of which are:
  • He did not win the popular vote
  • He was elected by the Electoral College
  • He is not a POLITICIAN
  • He is a Billionaire
  • He is not diplomatic
  • He seems to have no manners

It really does not matter what he has accomplished, we THE PEOPLE want him out of there...

there are some problems with Biden/Harris, which are:
  • Biden is for raising taxes and eliminating the Trump tax cut
  • Biden is for OPEN BORDERS
  • Biden is in favor of Medicare for all
  • Biden is a career POLITICIAN
  • Biden would be the oldest President
  • Harris is not qualified to become President

If we have OPEN BORDERS and if the GOVERNMENT gives all immigrants FREE HEALTHCARE and EDUCATION and WHATEVER...  then, the odds are these immigrants will become a  DEMOCRAT...

Now, if we think this concept through, our country could become:
60%  Democrat
40% Republicans

simply math yawl...  which party would always have the majority?  There would be no opposing views...  only one way to think...  only one way to govern...

And if they govern WRONGLY...  we would have no one to replace them with other than someone else who is like them...

This is dangerously STUPID...

AND, we ain't even gotten to our GLOBAL ISSUES and our greatest competition which is CHINA...

Reasons For Piss Poor Communications at Work

The purpose of communication is to convey information from one person to another. Through the choice of written and spoken words, ideas, concepts, emotions, thoughts, and opinions are exchanged. Unfortunately, miscommunication is common – the listener or reader fails to understand what is said or written. Dale Carnegie, author of “How to Make Friends and Influence People,” said, “90 percent of all management problems are caused by miscommunication.”

“If you have time, try to mow the lawn this afternoon,” said the father as he walked out the door to go to his office. His teenage son, head down, concentrating on breakfast, grunts in reply, “Uh-huh.” To the father’s dismay, the yard remained untouched when he returned home. The son, when confronted by his angry father, excused his lack of action with the explanation, “You said ‘if I had time,’ and I was at the mall all day.”

Communications are effective when the receiver of a thought, whether by listening or reading, understands the meaning intended by the speaker or writer. Good communication is simple and direct, sometimes intensified by emotion, but never confusing.

  1. Misaligned Vocabularies
  2. Messy Thinking
  3. Faulty Definitions
  4. False Civility
  5. Sloppy Language Habits
  6. Government Speak and Legalese 
Many of the problems is due to proper grammar not being taught or learned (acquired) in high school yet the student(s) in question still graduates and takes that lack of understanding into the workplace.  The only words and phrases that everyone really understand without any problems or difficulties are CUSS WORDS AND/OR PROFANITY...

One of the BIG REASONS why some (or all) of the 6 points above happen in the workplace is because EMPLOYEES are afraid to ask their BOSSES to explain their words and therefore they then make the false assumption that they know what the boss is trying to communicate.

This problem does not just exist between management and labor but it exists between management and management and labor and labor...  and, the TOP MANAGEMENT person(s) don't really care as long as results are achieved.

Sunday, November 1

The Butterfly Effect

Chaos theory
is a branch of mathematics focusing on the study of chaos—states of dynamical systems whose apparently random states of disorder and irregularities are often governed by deterministic laws that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.

In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

Using these two concepts (chaos theory and the butterfly effect) let me propose an idea to you that from the OUTSET will be completely CONTROVERSIAL...

If we have ever attended a Church Service, we have heard quite often that JUDAS betrayed JESUS CHRIST and therefore by default must be considered an evil person and condemned to HELL or worse...

BUT, without JUDAS, there would be no arrest of JESUS, no trial of JESUS, and no crucifixion of JESUS... and, without the crucifixion of JESUS there would be no burial and resurrection of JESUS... and, without the resurrection of JESUS there would be NO CHRISTIANITY that survived decade after decade after HIS death.

This is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of the BUTTERFLY EFFECT... one thing happens because something earlier happened first.

JUDAS had no choice but to betray JESUS... that was GOD'S WILL... and, had to happened so that other events were then set into motion and GOD'S WILL could be accomplished.

JUDAS caused CHRISTIANITY to take place... so, why should JUDAS be seen as EVIL?

Komic Korner Kartoons