Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts

Friday, July 23

Milllennials Approve of Communism

This month, 31-year-old Arizona state representative Daniel Hernandez (D-Tucson) mocked the notion that communist ideology was a threat to American society. He remarked in a jocular tone: “We keep hearing about the threat of communism,” that it’s a “great threat, it is such a bad threat. You know what’s a bigger threat? White nationalism.”

Mr. Hernandez’s comments drew the ire of state representative Quang Nguyen (R-Prescott Valley), who, at 12-years-old, left Tan Son Nhut airport in Vietnam a week before the fall of Saigon.

Mr. Nguyen responded to his Democratic colleague’s comments by recounting his own experience as a refugee: “So let me tell you something about white nationalism. White nationalism didn’t drown 250,000 Vietnamese in the South China Sea. The communists did. White nationalism did not execute 86,000 South Vietnamese at the fall of Saigon. Communists did. White nationalism did not put me here. Communism did. So, don’t take it lightly. Don’t mock me. Don’t mock what I go through in life. It’s rough. I lost most of my cousins, my family members due to communism. If we don’t stand up to teach communism to our children, we’ll lose this country. So sir, don’t mock me.”  READ MORE

Thursday, March 25

Fixing America

After living almost three quarters of a century, I have developed the realization that American Democracy IS NOT a good form of government because it places the control in the hands of an intellectually ignorant public who has no idea what is best for them and could easily be persuaded to cast their votes in such a way that it eliminates their ability to have freedom of choice without fully understanding what they have done to themselves.  The American public is mentally lazy and politically and  economically void of any kind of intellectual commitment to acquire a working understanding of what needs to be done.

We should have a government where the general public has NO CONTROL at all like what is found in a Dictatorship or Communism.  Americans need to be told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it or else they will make bad choices.

After living almost three quarters of a century, I have come to the realization that Capitalism and our Free Market Enterprise system is COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE for Americans.  Capitalism has allowed 20% of the population to live a wealthy lifestyle while the remaining 80% live a lifestyle that is substantially less than what they deserve.

  • We don't need athletes that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need actors/actresses that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need musicians and singers that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need CEO's that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need physicians that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need public officials that are multi millionaires

It is the responsibility of THE WEALTHY to not just take care of their family but the rest of the population.  Their wealth should be shared with the rest of the population.  If they don't want to share their wealth, then they don't need to earn it...  but, if they do earn it they should share it.

OUR GOVERNMENT should control ALL CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES on behalf of the rest of the population...   and OUR GOVERNMENT should not allow the population to have CHOICES and FREE SPEECH.  

SOCIALISM and quite possibly COMMUNISM is the only form of government that should be allowed in the United States so that it can take proper care of its citizens.

Wednesday, March 24


The United States has no business inserting itself in the politics of countries of which we do not approve believing instead that AMERICAN DEMOCRACY is the only and best governmental system in the world...  that is to say that COMMUNISM, a DICTATORSHIP, and SOCIALISM is simply wrong and not productive for a thriving economy.


The government of CHINA is COMMUNISTIC and the economy of China is thriving and will, in a few short years, be greater than the economy of the United States.  Not only is the economy thriving but the military of China, its Army, Navy, and Air Force is much bigger than the United States.

Russia is a semi Socialistic/Communistic country and while its economy is not as large as either the United States or China, it is still a bustling economy that is getting stronger by the year.  It also has a fierce military that would not be easy to defeat.   

So, Communism as well as Socialism as well as a Democracy are all three viable forms of government and one form of government is no better than any other form of government, except for individual freedom and there seems to be more individual freedom in a Democracy than in the other 2 forms of government.

The United States has been involved in the politics of global countries for over 100 years and the rest of the world has had enough of United States involvement.  We need to stay the hell out of the business of other countries.

We need to reduce the money given to the military and use that extra money to do more and more positive stuff for our residents...  like:
  • free healthcare for all
  • free education for all
  • special privileges for minorities
  • free housing for all
  • guaranteed basic income for all
  • basic clothing allowance for all
  • guaranteed daily meals for everyone

The United States should take care of its own people before it tells other countries around the world how to manage their affairs and govern their people.

The United States should open its borders and allow whoever that want to immigrate come to the US regardless of ethnicity, social status, or criminal record.

The United States should decriminalize the use and sell of ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS as these drugs are necessary so that citizens can pursue happiness.

America is full of systemic racism...
America is divided...
America is based upon white privilege...
American education is bad and inappropriate...
American religion is false and hypocritical...
American law enforcement is a joke...
American politicians care only about themselves...
American citizens are one joint away from being fools...