Showing posts with label Small Federal Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Small Federal Government. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3

Keep The Faith

"Keep the faith," was a phrase that we used in the 1960's so that our fellow classmates would continue to believe and continue to display behavior that reflected our attitudes, thoughts, and behavior...  we were liberals and had liberal values, but mainly we did not want nor did we believe that THE MAN should tell us what to do and how to live our lives.  THE MAN, at that point-in-time, was our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...  We want a smaller government not a stronger government.  

AND...  most importantly was our DESIRE TO BE HEARD...  and in order to be heard, we MUST have our FREEDOM OF SPEECH rights....  and yet, mainstream media wants to suppress our freedom of speech...  unless that freedom of speech agrees with them...  Suppressing one's freedom of speech is what happens in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, Dictatorships, Communist countries, and countries that are afraid that the opposition will remove them from office.

Keep the faith also has religious undertones...  that is to say, no matter how difficult times get, no matter how much our lives are turned upside down, we can, always maintain our faith in GOD and understand that it is GOD  who will ultimately take care of us, even though we may not always understand why HE does what HE does...  "...God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven..."

In addition to one's religious beliefs and keeping the faith there, there are one's political beliefs and keeping the faith there as well...  for people who are similar to this author's beliefs, one cannot make the claim that one is LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE because one shares beliefs that are both liberal as well as conservative.  For example, I believe in the 2nd Amendment but I also believe that a female has the right to choose what she wants to do to her own body and that this right should not be control by the government.

Our government is be as small as possible in order to fulfil its roles and should stay out of our lives...  Our government should open doors for us, like a LEADER does, and not tell us how to live our lives or tell us what we can or cannot do.

I want to hear both side of the argument...  the liberal side as well as the conservative side, and then I want to be given some time to decide what it is that I want to believe without one side trying to push their agenda and convince me to see things their way...  It is not that simple...

Another example:  I believe that our Government should do as much as it can for its citizens as long as it does not have to borrow money to provide those services...  I also think that we should maintain a strong military presence while STAYING OUT OF THE WARS of other countries even when they request our help.  These countries should have the government that they deserve and not the government that the USA wants them to have.