Showing posts with label Right to Bear Arms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Right to Bear Arms. Show all posts

Friday, September 17

The Second Amendment

The amendment itself contains 27 words: 
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 
This provision references both the collective right of a militia and an individual right.

As a Vietnam Era Veteran, I defended the US Constitution and the freedoms contained therein...  two of which I am particularly keen about:  The First and Second Amendments indicating our:
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Right to bear arms

While I will never hold another gun in my hand as long as I live, I am NOT OPPOSED to everyone in the United States owning a firearm and going through a weapons safety class followed by firing range practice...  and, if they want to, apply for a carry permit.

Not only should law enforcement and criminals like drug dealers be armed with weapons, so too should our general public be armed with weapons.

Not only should white supremacist groups and black lives matter groups and ANTIFA be armed with weapons, so too should the general public be armed with weapons as well.

As we continue to promote DEFUND THE POLICE movements, we should also promote ARM YOURSELF WITH WEAPONS movements because it is necessary to meet force with an equal (but never greater) than the force being applied against us.

The GREAT CONCEPT about the United States is that we have the First and Second Amendments and as long as we have both those amendments and a willing general public to take advantage of those amendments, we SHALL NEVER BE CONTROLLED by either a foreign or domestic threat.