Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts

Friday, May 14


 How much do you want to share?

Right now...  we have to have a drivers license when we drive and a passport when we travel overseas...  however, a passport cannot be used as a substitute for a drivers license.  Should we now have some kind of proof that we have had all our SHOTS?

AND...  how far will this go...  in the sense of our Federal Government knowing our private and personal data.?

Personally, I don't give a shit what the government knows or does not know my private and/or personal data...  at my age, it just does not matter...  I've got nothing to save and nothing to prove....  so, who cares what they know or do not know about me...  I certainly don't care...


there are a lot of people who do care about what the government knows or does not know...  even when they too have nothing to hide...  it is just the fact that this knowledge is and should be private.  And, it should be up to each individual what information they want to share or not want to share...

In other words, it is OUR RIGHT to share if we want to NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S right...  and, therein lies the problem...

In this sense, I do not want our Government to know anything more about me than they absolutely need to know...  IT IS NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS.