Monday, June 3

White Privilege


Current US Population Demographics:

  • White 58%
  • Hispanic 19%
  • Blacks 12%
  • Asian 6%

Recently, I heard a liberal news media outlet host make the claim that Caitlin Clark only got to where she is in the world of female professional basketball because of WHITE PRIVILEGE...

I suppose all the BLACK FEMALE PLAYERS that played against her in college were not ANY GOOD because of white privilege as well...

One of these days, the general public is going to wake up and realize HOW STUPID THESE PEOPLE ARE WHO MAKE THESE COMMENTS...

At the beginning of this post I inserted current US population demographics for a reason.  These demographics clearly show that there more WHITES in our population than Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians.

THEREFORE, one can only conclude that no matter what we are doing in this great country of ours that there will be MORE WHITES doing it than blacks...
AND...  population demographics has nothing to do with WHITE PRIVILEGE.

If we go to certain parts of AFRICA, there will be different population demographics that favor BLACKS...  does that mean that those countries are examples of BLACK PRIVILEGE???
NO ANSWER because this was a rhetorical question.

We should not give out awards based upon the COLOR OF OUR SKIN...  I believe this thought came from the late MLK Jr. and it seems to me that BLACKS have forgotten many of his words.  No doubt some blacks think that MLK Jr is another example of being an UNCLE TOM...

It is my opinion that MLK Jr was simply an AMERICAN who wanted to best for all Americans, and believed that blacks should at least be given a chance. I AGREE WITH THAT.

Many blacks in a variety of areas are better than whites for a variety of reasons and those reasons have nothing to do with WHITE PRIVILEGE...  It has everything to do with skills and abilities.

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