Saturday, June 29

American Equality


Our Founding Fathers were wealthy, religious, intelligent HYPPCRITES who wrote the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, but did not really believe in that which they had created...  at least in TOTAL because there were sections of those documents that their other actions contradicted.

They created a democratic republic of, by, and for the people...  yet they also created an Electoral College to actually elect the President they could not trust a majority of the people to be able to think for themselves and not be brainwashed by some ruthless politician.

Secondly, if they all truly believed that all men were created equal why did they continue to allow slavery to exist?

The leaders of our country were flawed from the very beginning of our existence.  Ever since 1776, America has really had flawed role models and that flaw has grown exponentially.

The fact is, that Americans ARE NOT EQUAL and never will be.  This has nothing to do with race, color, or ethnicity and everything to do with our DNA.

Our DNA creates genders, skills, abilities, intelligence, height, weight, attractiveness, etc.  In order to make everyone equal, scientists would have to alter our DNA in vitro.

I remember when I was in college one of classmates had a photographic memory.  He never went to class, unless there was a test, and at the end of the semester, he would simply set aside time to read the textbook and always made "A's" on his exams.

I never thought that was fair but that is just the way it was.  He and I were not equal and WOULD NEVER BE EQUAL.

This same inequality can be found in all aspects of our lives from sports to music to writing to attractiveness to everything else that you can imagine.

This is simply the way it is.

And, to make attempts to get our federal government to force people and companies to be more EQUAL, is an act of FUTILITY at best.

AND YET, that is exactly what is being done.

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