Sunday, June 30

Last Day of JUNE


I'm always a little depressed when the end of the year or the end of the month rolls around because that always means I am getting a little bit older than I was before...

June 2024 has been a particularly good month for me.  This June marks a year that we have been in our new downsized home and simply love what we did and what we now have.  This new house is perfect!

This June marks twenty years that we have been debt free.

This June marks the month that my Oncologist found the right treatment to slow down the progression of my cancer.

This June marks the month that my wife and I reached our savings account goals so that we have enough money cover all costs until age 95, including specialized nursing care.

This month marks the date that our three cats have been with us for 14 years. 

I am sure there are other positives that I have overlooked. but I think these are the important ones.

So far during this month, I have prepared several meals of yellow squash, zucchini, and onions that I picked from our backyard garden.  My wife has gotten a dozen or more cucumbers that she puts in her salads.

While I have mowed our yard several times during this month and need to do again tomorrow, it only takes me 30 minutes to mow and 15 minutes to trim as opposed the three hours in the other house.

June is always a good month here in East TN.  The weather is warm to hot, but the humidity is typically low making it ideal to be outside.  This year June has followed the pattern except for the last couple of days where the humidity increased.

June also marks the fact that ONE THIRD of the summer is GONE FOREVER...  This leaves us with two more months before school starts again.

But when I say goodbye to June tomorrow, it will be with a heart full of JOY and appreciation for being still above ground to experience it all.

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