Wednesday, June 26

Women's Athletics

As most of you know by now, I am opinionated and don't putting on paper my feelings, about which many people object, but that is who I am and at 76, I ain't gonna change.

My concern obviously is WOMEN'S ATHLETICS (Title)...  but first there are some disclaimers.

First - I have no problem with males who want to cut their male parts off, take hormones, get breast implants and pretend to be females.  Nor do I have any problems with females who want to be males.  This is their RIGHT whether they are living in the USA or not.

Second - I also realize that there are some females who are just as strong and as athletic as males and that there are males that appear to be just as feminine as females and those are the statistical outliers that when collecting data are taken out of the statistics.

Third - homosexuality and lesbianism has been around since the beginning of when mankind first walked upon this earth.  It is nothing new.  Whatever or whomever is responsible for our creation knew beyond a shadow of a doubt (simple logic) that this variation between male and female was going to take place and did nothing to stop it.

MY OPINION:  I do not believe that biological males should play in female sports whether in high school, college, or professionally...  nor do I believe that biological females should play in male sport at those same three levels.


On average, there are too many biological differences between the two genders to prevent them both from being considered EQUAL, regardless of what the US Constitution says about equality.

For the most part and until science is able to change this FACT, males cannot give birth to babies no matter how feminine they look.  Females will never pee through penises not matter how hard they try.  The bone structure of males is different than the bone structure of females.

I remember ready a study years ago, that Black Americans made better football players because their skulls were thicker than White Americans.

There will always be these kinds of differences and medical science will not be able to change this unless they restructure or EDIT our DNA.  And I doubt our government will allow that to happen.

Males and Females ARE NOT created equal in some ways.

If this continues to happen, one and/or two things will happen.

One - a transgendered category will be created in sports

Two - female athletes will simply stop competing


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