Friday, June 28


 Believe it or not, there is variation in everything that we do and if, you are like me there are lots of things that I do on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis.

So...  what am I talking about?

What about the time it takes you to drive to work in the morning.  If you left at the same time each morning, drove the same route, at the same speed, it would take you different times for you to arrive at work.  Don't believe me?  Keep track of your time for a week and see if I am not right.

What you might encounter:

  • inclement weather than might slow you down
  • a traffic accident that might slow you down
  • more traffic than expected that slows you down
  • your vehicle might develop a mechanical problem
  • you may need to get gas
  • you decide to stop for coffee
  • a policeman slows traffic down
It is this unexpected variation that will typically alter the amount of time that it normally takes you to drive to work.

What you do to attempt to reduce the time...
  • leave the house earlier
  • take a different route
  • drive faster than normal
  • bring coffee with you
  • make sure you don't need gas

So, what have you learned?
If you accept the fact that everything has variation, the in order to reduce the variation, you must be willing to CHANGE THE PROCESS.

The variation that is inherent in ALL PROCESSES comes from:
  1. materials
  2. labor (manpower)
  3. methods
  4. environment
  5. machines
What materials do you use when driving a car?
Gasoline and Oil
Windshield wiper fluid
Brake & transmission fluid

What about labor (manpower)?
That would be you as driver
  • do you know how to drive
  • did you get plenty of sleep
  • do you have good hearing/eyesight
  • do you have good coordination/reflexes

What about the methods?
  • do you use good driving techniques
  • are you mindful of those around you
  • do you maintain good posture or slouch
  • are you talking on the phone
  • speed of the vehicle

What about the environment?
  • is it raining or snowing or sleeting
  • is it windy, or foggy
  • is it very hot or very cold 
  • time left the house
  • other traffic on the road
  • the route you are taking

What about machines?  The vehicle being driven
  • is it tuned up correctly
  • are the tires properly inflated
  • is it a new vehicle
  • if used, how old
  • is the windshield and mirrors clear
  • does it need oil
  • does it need radiator water

Each one of these areas has variation and while the variation in some areas is minute, there is other variation that could impact your time more.  Let me explain...  air pressure in one or more tires being incorrect is not going to impact the variation of time to work as much as a traffic accident or being stopped by highway patrol for driving too fast.

Next time, you are doing something simple like cooking breakfast, mowing the lawn, washing the car, going out to dinner, spending time at the gym, or filling up your vehicle with gasoline, each one of these processes is loaded with all sorts of variation that alters the time it takes you to complete the process.

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