Thursday, June 27

Debate Tonight

 The debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden airs tonight on CNN because the moderators for the debate are employees of CNN both of whom HATE Donald Trump and make no apologies for that HATRED...

So, we begin with an unfair advantage for the Democrats...

Sounds like to me they are really concerned about what might happen to them in November, otherwise they would have agreed to moderators that were unbiased...

Will Biden appear on stage jacked up on drugs?

Will Trump appear on stage full of anger?

Will this debate actually change any minds?

Biden says the border is closed to illegal immigrants crossing over into the USA...

The data says otherwise.

Biden says that prices have come down substantially so there is not inflation in the USA...

The data says otherwise...

Biden says that inflation was at 9% before he assumed the office of POTUS...

The data says otherwise...

On the other side of the coin, Donald Trump is a convicted FELON based upon ridiculous charges that will be appeals and probably reversed after the election...

The data says he is a convicted felon nonetheless...

The real question is:

Were you better off during the Trump administration or during the Biden administration?

Neither candidate in my opinion is a great candidate for President, so if I vote at all, it will be for the LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS.

Right now...  Currently...  this is what I see:

  • Insane increasing of illegal immigrants crossing into the USA
  • An enormously divided/polarized country
  • High gasoline and food prices
  • Rampant crime and violence in our cities
  • A two-tiered justice system
  • A DOJ that has been weaponized to go against its political opponents
  • A WOKE movement that is out of control
  • A failing educational system
  • Social media platforms that are biased toward liberals
  • A mainstream media that censors information from the public
  • A weak, pathetic military that is unprepared for war
  • A global lack of respect for the USA

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