Sunday, June 16

Our Future


We are living in the year 2024 and many of us ARE NOT thinking about the year 2025, let alone 2030 which is only 5 & 1/2 years away.

If you have a child that is entering high school or college in 2025, they will be graduating in 2030.

What is going to happen in 2030?

  1. Robots will be doing lots of the work
  2. Drones will deliver mail and packages
  3. Autonomous Vehicles will be available
  4. Advances in wearable technology
  5. Everything will cost more
  6. Illegal Immigrants will work for less money
  7. Crime and violence will continue to increase
  8. Racism will continue to escalate
  9. EV technology will improve
  10. The world may be at war

How will Americans survive?
Will there be enough jobs for human beings?
Will a college degree matter then?
Will the government draft citizens to fight a war?
How much money do you have in savings?
How much debt do you owe?
Do you want to marry and have children?
Do you even watch the NEWS?

No one knows what is going to happen in 2030 and certainly no one knows what is going to happen in 2025, let alone the six or so months left in 2024; but one can think about being somewhat prepared.

Most people DON'T PLAN, they just wait for something to happen and then react and while that option works, it will not work all the time.
  • Carpenters measure twice or more and CUT ONCE. This is called planning.
  • Project Managers are taught or learn from experience they need to be prepared for the positive as well as the negative.
  • Special Forces always develop contingency plans.
  • Japanese companies make plans for 5-10-20 years into the future that are obviously revised.

When I was growing up in the 1960s, I really did not care about work because if I was fired from one job, I could just walk down the street and get a job at another company.

That freedom was certainly not available to the American worker in the 1990s like it was in the 1960s and it damn sure isn't available in the 2020s.

What jobs that are not taken by robots will be HIGHLY COMPETITIVE and if you don't have the right skills or are not available at the right time, YOU AIN'T WORKING.

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