Tuesday, June 4



Opinions are like ASSHOLES, everybody has got one...

However, my opinion is ignored because I am an unknown born in North Carolina, natural citizen of the USA.

This country of our is DIVIDED.  

Our division is worse than it has ever been in the short history of our country.

We are divided in many ways, but the division that is about to break us, is our political division between liberals and conservatives.

One side is accusing the other side of destroying our Democracy and is using power and control over the other side to get their points across and convince the American public.

The other side is accusing the first side of arranging the game board so that the opposing side never wins again, thus giving them a permanent advantage.

Who will win?

Both sides will lose!

Both sides will lose because our system is predicated upon two parties who have the ability to argue for the sole purpose of reaching a compromised position in the middle.

With this division, there is no compromised position in the middle.

You are either NUMBER ONE or you are in second place with no influence at all.

A country with only one party in control is like a Dictatorship, a Monarch, or something similar to a Communists country.

The political system uses the judicial system to remove and/or eliminate all opposition.

When this happens, we are no longer living in a democracy even though it might seem like we are better off than most every other country in the world.

When this happens the only choice that will be available to us are the choices that the ruling party wants us to have.

That is not really a choice and reminds me of the beginning of the Ford Motor Company telling the public they could have any color car they wanted as long as it was black.

Competition forced the Ford Motor Company to start providing cars of a different color.

Without political competition, this one ruling party will give us the choice of only having a black car.

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