Saturday, June 15

Mankind Struggles


It seems very odd to me now after several thousands of years that mankind has lived on planet earth that there are still some people who still believe it is necessary to conquer other cultures...

It also seems logically obvious to me that our global leaders realize that there is no way to survive an all out nuclear war...

However, some of these ignorant leaders believe that it is possible to survive a nuclear war...  but, if there are some people who actually survive, what will life be like on earth?

Let me tell you that it will not be pleasant and nowhere near what life was like before the nuclear war.

Despite our mutually assured destruction capabilities, there enlightened people who have more intelligent concerns with which to deal, like:

  • Proving we exist
  • Determining life's purpose
Existence obviously comes first since finding one's purpose is meaningless if we don't exist.

For thousands of years, scholars have struggled with these two concepts with the latter one a tad easier to answer.

There is no way to prove that we exist nor is there any way to prove that we do not exist other than what we perceive to observe.
Let me refer you to the movie THE MATRIX for part of that explanation.

Not even those with the highest IQs could do anything more than SPECULATE or THEORIZE on this issue.

purpose is in a different category altogether as it can be definitively viewed from several different perspectives.
Obviously, the first perspective is religious or spiritual.
But, once you qualify the concept of religious as being fictious, then that perspective no longer applies, even though some of the points do make since.
Other Perspectives:
  1. Wealth (acquiring assets)
  2. Power & Control
  3. Achievements/Accomplishments
  4. Legacy Left
  5. Family & Friends
  6. Living Simply/appreciating life

One's perspective is influenced by one's environment and sometimes changes as one grows older...  however, one must be careful that one's changes are real and not simply a rationalization of one's circumstances.
For instance - I know I will never be rich...  therefore...

My purpose when younger was to acquire education and achieve a leadership position.  I achieved my purpose.  I was not concerned with wealth or power and yet, I had some of that with my roll as a leader.

My purpose has changed as I got older and retired and now, I just want to be seen and treated as a good person.  At the same time, I know that I will never be more than I already am, so that influences my purpose as well.

My purpose does not revolve around religious or something spiritual, although I do believe in a creator that set everything in motion and has taken a hands-off approach.   I do not seek an afterlife with this creator as any kind of life at all after death will be in SPIRIT FORM.   There is a slight possibility that my spirit will enter another body but that is more science fiction than reality.  If it does, I will not be aware that it has happened.

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