Wednesday, June 19

Liberal Downfall


When I first got interested in politics, it was when JFK Jr. was president, and he made the statement:  "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."

Behind JFK Jr. was MLK Jr. who made the statement:  "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

When the Democratic Party lost sight of these two concepts, I decided that I could no longer be part of that political movement in the USA.

The Republican Party offered alternatives that impressed me, but I was so disillusioned by politics and political liars that I did not want to belong to either party.

Most of what's happening today in the USA is SOCIALISM paid for by our taxes.  Most of the socialistic programs, we cannot afford but continue them anyway since they are on the books.  The billionaires could bail out the country, but they have no desire to give any more money than they have to our government, regardless of the situation.

In addition to facing a national debt crisis, the USA has got to deal with over 10,000,000 illegal immigrants and well as future economic situation where humanoid robots with AI are going to replace American workers.  

It is obvious to me that LIBERAL POLICIES are not suited to deal with those kinds of issues.  I doubt that conservative politics will be able to adequately deal with it either.  Perhaps, collectively they can solve the problem.

But, when they do, they must also face our enemies:

  • China
  • Russia
  • Iran
  • North Korea, just to name a few and it is doubtful that liberals are going to want to risk their lives to save this country, if and when she gets into war.

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