Monday, June 17

It's All Black and White


I was born white, raised white, am a white veteran, married two white women - divorced one, spent 45 years working for a white man, retired white, and will probably die white as far as I know.

I am not wealthy, paid for my own college education, worked in the south where wages are intentionally low, and never had anyone pull strings to find me employment.  I have been fired 10 times for standing up to the white man because I did not think what he was doing was right.

For the most part, I treat everyone the same until they prove me wrong through their lack of honesty, integrity, or inappropriate actions.

I am not racist, but I know racist people.  The racist people that I know are both white and black.  Some believe that only white people can be racists, but that simply is not true.

Blacks WILL NEVER be in a position to control the United States of America because they represent only 12% of the overall population.  Whites represent 60% of the population or about FIVE TIMES the black population.  In fact, more Hispanics will be in positions of control than blacks because Hispanics represent 18% (before illegal immigration) of the overall population.

Will that make Hispanics racist???

If Blacks want to ever control the USA:

  • they must increase their population
  • stop selling drugs 
  • stop committing crimes
  • get educated better than anyone else
  • get involved with politics
  • learn the political system
  • change system legally

To expect the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to give blacks whatever they want whenever they want it because they are black, and descendants of slaves is preposterous - 60% of the whites will never vote for that.

Don't look for HANDOUTS!!!

Learn to work the system from within and procreate as often as you can.

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