Saturday, June 1

Humanoid Robots with AI

I recently hear a tech expert say or perhaps it was something he wrote which does not really matter, but his thoughts were that ROBOTS with AI will not take away your jobs...  what will take away your jobs are people who know how to use AI...

Perhaps in the short term, he is correct because it is LOGICAL to think that people using AI will be in more demand than those who do not know how to use AI.

But don't let his WEALTH STATUS or KNOWLEDGE ARROGANCE fool you because Robots will replace human jobs.  

Some tech experts say that we will need people to build, fix, and program robots but unless you were born yesterday, ROBOTS can perform those three functions better and faster than humans can WITHOUT the need for different shifts, breaks, vacations, or health insurance.  Companies will not have to pay their share of FDIC either.

Robots can work 24/7...  so, your knowledge of how to use AI will become as useless as teats on a boar hog.

What amazes me more is that these tech experts believe that the worker is STUPID and will not see that this is going to happen to them.

Humanoid Robots with AI are going to take over all aspects of the workforce  in ALL AREAS:

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality
  • Entertainment
  • Awerospace
  • Military
  • Service
  • Mining
  • Transportation
  • Farming
  • Research
  • Finance/Banking
  • Law Enforcement
  • Fire Protection
It is building up as I write this posting and it will gradually start to escalate -  80% of the jobs will be replaced by robots by 2030 -  that is only 6 years in the future.

Don't be fooled by what the TECH EXPERTS SAY...

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