Tuesday, June 11

Higher Power


We have spent most of our lives believing in GOD...  and that it was GOD that created the universe...  and that it was GOD who created earth, mankind, all the animals and put them together to procreate and build a civilization...  and that it was GOD that inspired mankind to write the Bible to record what HE had done in the hopes that a religion would be started in HIS NAME.

However, we also learned that there were ELEVEN other religions all of which also believed in a creation story from which mankind originated.  Each of these religions basically started in different parts of the world except for Christianity, Jewish, and Islamic beliefs - they were all in and about the same location geographically.

Those of us who are somewhat education and there are some that are not educated at all, believe that GOD does not exist, nor does anyone believe that multiple gods exist as was the case thousands of years ago.

We also know that the Bible is flawed in many ways because it does not take into consideration time dilation nor that the universe is still expanding.  Some of us find it odd that after our so-called BIG BANG took place millions of years ago that our universe could still possibly be expanding.

As strange as it sounds, it is true.

But one thing is certain and based upon what we currently know, it seems relatively IMPOSSIBLE for our universe to have been created out of NOTHING.  It takes something to make something.  You cannot take nothing and make something.


where does that leave us?

It leaves us with the notion that our universe had to have come from somewhere or something.

Some scientists believe in spontaneous creation but that does not make sense either, because you have to have something in order for the spontaneous to happen... like spontaneous combustion.

You can believe in a GOD if you want.

You can believe in a CREATOR if you want.

Neither of those beliefs can be proven or disproven.

However, we do have a universe...  that is factual.

Our universe is expanding...  that is factual.

Our universe is curved - proven by gravity.

So, could the end of time curve back into the beginning of time?

And, at that point of connection, could there have been an advanced human who was responsible for connecting it all?

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