Thursday, June 6

Dems versus GOP


After 60 years of watching politics and politicians play the game throughout the USA and in Washington, DC, I am convinced that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY has by far the best UNIFIED party of the two...

Years ago, it was pretty obvious that each party had a different but cut and dry approach to how the government should be managed.

DEMS wanted

Large government

Government Welfare

High taxes

Regulated Corporations

Small military

GOP wanted

Small government

Minimal welfare

Low taxes

Minimal regulations on corporations

Large military

While there were differences, the two parties always got together to work out their differences and compromise.


It is clear that the new Democratic Strategy is to SILENCE the opposition to the extent that the conservatives or GOP never again controls the Presidency or the Congress or the Supreme Court or the Judicial System in general.

Over the years, the Democratic Party has not only UNIFIED THEMSELVES with this goal but they have managed to get mainstream media to support their efforts as well.

The GOP has not even come close to that kind of unity, influence, power, and control.

While there may be many Dems that are leaving their party because they do not like this new direction, they are becoming independents rather than GOP Republicans.

That should tell us something...

NOW...  not only have the Dems got control of the media but they have control of our education system as well from K-12 and well into many of our colleges and universities.


When these students become voting aged Americans they are already indoctrinated into the Dem's way of thinking.

Additionally, many of our companies support the Dems as well as many of our millionaires and billionaires.

This is STRANGE because many of these billionaires used the conservatives and their views to help get themselves wealthy...  because the Dems want to take money away from the wealthy and give to the poor to increase (by lowering the value) the middle class.

That attitude just does not make sense, but it is happening...  George SOROS, along with Bezos, Gates, and Zuckerburg have aligned their wealthy with the Dems...

BUT...  even more disastrous and more to the point the GOP (Republicans) have not been able to stop this from happening.

The GOP is politically impotent.

They deserves to lose their power and control and be SILENCED and CENSORED by the Democratic Party.

Right now...   only Donald Trump is keeping that from happening and he is beginning to LOSE as the deck is stacked against him...

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