Tuesday, June 18

Death Penalty


I understand the mindset of those who seek revenge in that if you kill one of mine then I should kill you or one of yours.

The Bible says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...  but the religious say this phrase was in the Old Testament and was superseded by the words of the New Testament.

Of course, if you are not religious, it does not matter.

Whether it is revenge or not revenge do we have the RIGHT to take a person's life because they have taken someone else's life?

What kind of person does that make us if that is what we want to do?

On the other side of the coin, putting that person in jail for the rest of his life, will cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars...  and is that how you want your taxes spent?

How would you feel about a man raping and killing a mother of five?

Should this person live?

And, once we take this person's life, will that ever bring back the mother for these five children?

If I accidentally killed someone, should I be punished?

If I accidentally killed someone after drinking alcohol, should I be punished?

WE ALL DIE...  some early and some late in life but our death is inevitable.

Why should we spend our money on prisons?  Why not build a facility in Artica and Antartica and put all the inmates there to take care of themselves.  The can police or kill themselves.  They can grow, harvest and cook their own food.  Make their own clothes.  They will be away from society and if they perish, they perish.  

Then there would be no reason to have a death penalty.

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