Sunday, June 2

Creation and US

In a 2023 survey of 26 countries, 40% of respondents said they believe in God as described in holy scriptures, 20% believed in a higher spirit but not as described in holy scriptures, 21% believed in neither God nor any higher spirit, and 19% were unsure or would not say. In Brazil, 70% of respondents believed in God as described in holy scriptures, while in South Africa, 73% did. In contrast, less than one in five in Japan and only one in three in South Korea believed in God or some form of spirit or higher power.

Gallup International Association
In a 2023 survey, 72% of respondents said that there is a God, which is a slight increase from 2016 when 71% believed. Other findings from the survey included that 59% of respondents believe in heaven, 53% believe in hell, and 57% think that there is a life after death.

Albert Einstein
In a 1947 letter he stated that "It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously." In a letter to Beatrice Frohlich on 17 December 1952, Einstein stated, "The idea of a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naïve."

Stephen Hawking
He famously said, “If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed. If you like, you can say the laws are the work of God, but that is more a definition of God than a proof of his existence”​.

Bayes Probability Theorem
There is an equal probability that God exists as well as that God does not exist.

What do you believe?
Does it really matter if you are right or wrong?

Many scientists, especially theoretical physicists believe that the universe was spontaneously created according to the laws of science that govern that sort of thing.

It is a proven fact that the laws of science govern the universe and it is said that this can be proven mathematically.

I have no doubt that there are elements of truth to this belief.

However, on the other side of the coin, creating something out of nothing does not seem possible to my unscientific mind.  That is not to say that I now believe in God or a Creator but that something had to be here first.

Another obstacle whether creation was spontaneous or not is the fact of what was the universe created into?  For example, the universe is still expanding.  The Hubble Telescope has proven that but what is the universe expanding into?

How can something expand if there is nothing for it to expand into?

Why would a Creator create a universe like that?
What would be the point?
Additionally, why is the universe so frigging large?
What is the point of that?

It seems like to me since the probability is 50/50 that if you want to believe in God you have just as much of a chance being right as you do of being wrong.  Therefore, if it makes you feel good and perhaps justifies your existence, the go for it.

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