Saturday, June 8


  1. It Clashes with Human Nature
  2. It Breeds Resentment
  3. It Encourages Subpar Outcomes
  4. It Ignores Implementation
  5. It Proves That You Didn’t Explore Your Options

  1. Creates a win/win scenario
  2. Promotes empathy and understanding
  3. Fosters problem-solving skills
  4. Enhances emotional intelligence
  5. Strengthens social connections

SO...  you must be wondering what to do...
If you look at the WHY NOT section, you will see that the five reasons are based upon a win/lose scenario in that you either get 100% of what you want or else you get nothing.

Whereas the scenario to compromise is based upon a win/win scenario with the understanding that each side gets something rather than nothing.

I also agree that compromise creates resentment because we have instilled in people from an early age that you either win or lose, that there is no compromise.  Then, when we get out into the marketplace where we have to get along with the rest of the world, we realize compromise is the ONLY SOLUTION TO CONFLICT.

It would appear that WE have done ourselves a disservice from the GETGO by telling people that winning is the only solution and that losers never go anywhere, being second is nothing.

On the other side of the coin, not everyone can win and we know it...
  • two people cannot have the same job
  • two people cannot have the same spouse
  • two families cannot own the same home

How does one adjust to compromise when one is conditioned to always be number ONE?

We are human beings and have been taught to win and that winning is everything.  We will never be in a position where we accept compromise willingly, even if it is to avoid conflict.  We will simply wait a while and try again later.

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