Sunday, June 23

Caitlin Clark

 Prior to 1982, I was a fan of football and baseball, namely the Washington Redskins (before they changed their name) and the Washington Senators (before they moved to Baltimore).

That all changed in 1982 when Michael Jordan played basketball for the University of North Carolina "Tarheels" and was instrumental in beating Georgetown for the national title.  After that game I followed Jordan and his career with the Chicago Bulls.

I did not see Michael Jordan as a black man but as an American who was damn talented on the basketball court.

After Jordan retired, I pretty much ignored athletes both college and professional until I began hearing stories of Caitlin Clark.  I watched her play a couple of times and was impressed with her abilities.

When she turned pro, I was sad to hear all the negative comments about her, especially from the black community.  One comment stood out in my mind and that was that she was only talented because she was white and afforded white privilege.  I was amazed by the ignorance of a comment like that.

I had no idea until then that white privilege extended to athletic abilities.

So, Caitlin Clark began playing professional women's basketball and her main critics were from the black community.  GO FIGURE?

Even the fouls that were perpetrated against her came mainly from BLACK PLAYERS.

Some people were upset concerning the flagrant intentional fouls, but for me, that is part of professional basketball and really should have little to do with race.  However, it now seems that some people are using race as the catalyst for these fouls.

Michael Jordan had flagrant intentional fouls committed upon his body and nobody claimed racism.  These fouls came from both white and black players alike.

It is a damn shame that RACISM has peed its way into professional sports and if it continues, it is going to ruin the sport for the SPECTATORS and maybe for the players as well.

Another solution is just to have ALL WHITE SPORTS and ALL BLACK SPORTS...  and maybe this will solve the racism problem...  However, I doubt that MLK Jr. would have wanted that to happen.

Caitlin Clark is white.  She was an outstanding college basketball player, and she is destined to be an outstanding professional basketball player.  It has nothing to do with the color of her skin.  If you want to make it about the color of her skin, then you are the one who should be criticized for perpetuating RACISM in America.

YOU are the problem!!!

Caitlin Clark is simply a very talented and skilled athlete.

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