Wednesday, June 12



I recall watching numerous commercials primarily designed for women on what you can do to slow down the aging process of the skin, so that you will never look your age.

I am amazed by how many women have spent money on products like that to remove wrinkles or tone up their skin...  and personally I am glad that it may have worked for them.


looking good on the outside is not going to change all the organs on the inside of your body that are aging.  While some of these organs can be replaced if they go bad, bear in mind that replacement can only take place if they go bad.

Women may have younger looking skin and thicker hair, but NOTHING can stop the body from experiencing a sensation of IMBALANCE that causes you to fall.

  • NOTHING can keep your bones from breaking once you are older and have a fall.
  • NOTHING can reduce the healing time once you are older.
  • NOTHING can stop you from getting sick as you grow older due to a reduced immune system.

I understand the vanity of getting old because males change as well.  Many males lose their hair as they grow older, lose their 20/20 vision, and lose their perfect hearing.  Cosmetics will not stop that and having a full head of transplanted hair is not going to stop males from contracting cancer for instance.

Marrying younger people is not going to help either, depending upon the difference in age.  Five years difference is not too noticeable but TWENTY years is...  
When your partner is 70, you will be 50, and 60 when they are 80.  
What do you think an 80-year-old and 60-year-old can do together that is going to make the 80-year-old feel younger? 
I suppose they can:
  • go out to dinner
  • watch a movie
  • go shopping
  • sit together in an airplane
  • go out drinking/dancing
  • be seen together
  • gamble together in Vegas

Aging, perhaps contracting a serious illness, experiencing limited mobility, experiencing failing body parts, and eventual death is something we all have to go through.  Some of us will experience more than others.

Here is another example.  I am currently 76.
When I was younger, I:
  • lifted weights
  • spent hours body surfing
  • ran 5 miles a day
  • played football, baseball, basketball, track
  • could drive all night to a destination
  • move the contents of a house
  • had no arthritis
  • could lift more than my weight
  • did not have lower back problems
  • was never considered obese
These are just some of the things that I can no longer do.

In the next couple of years, I will be told not to drive a car...
I know that will happen and I am not sure how I will feel...

Those of us who are old were once young and could do all the things that you do and more.  The next time you look at an older person with contempt or disdain because they are not moving fast enough...
that is going to be you one day, and some young punk will be making comments about you.

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