Monday, June 3

100 Robots Serve Customers

Imagine a unique Starbucks that features about 100 robots serving orders for customers.

This happens for real, day in and day out, at Naver 1784 tower, the world’s largest robotics testbed, and also the headquarters of South Korean technology firm Naver.

The numerical digit 1784 signifies the site’s lot number address, 178-4, and also the year marking the beginning of the first industrial revolution.

The tower is a proving ground for the company’s advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence, and cloud services, showcasing Naver’s dedication to transforming ideas into tangible solutions.

According to Naver, 1784 redesigns how we live and work and claims that its “advanced technologies are embedded into the building to provide a better work environment, bringing us one step closer to the future,” according to the firm’s website.     READ MORE...

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