Saturday, September 17

The Fall of Capitalism

The press secretary for the whitehouse and the Biden administration, said today that the reason why there are a lot of illegal immigrants coming into the USA is because of the previous administration (Donald Trump) who did not allow any of them to crossover illegally.  Consequently, now that Trump is no longer President, they all want to enter the USA illegally...

So, illegal immigration is up because we are no longer trying to stop them like Trump did...  and that is his fault not Biden's fault.

That has got to be the stupidist thing I have ever heard come out of the mouth of the press secretary since the red-haired press secretary left the job.  Maybe she got tired of lying of trying to get people to believe the bullshit from this administration.

When this green movement and EV transportation blows up in their faces, are they going to blame Trump for that too because he was pushing gasoline and because we had to do the opposite of what Trump did, it is therefore always going to be his fault....

America deserves everything she receives as long as she continues to make these liberal decisions...   I am going to learn Mandarin because sometime soon China is going to control us both economically and militarily...

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