Wednesday, September 14



Gasoline prices have reduced but still twice as high as they were before Biden became President.

  • Grocery prices are up
  • Untilities prices are up
  • Clothes prices are up

But...  Biden is not responsible...  Former President Trump is responsible for all this shit.

Gasoline stations owners are responsible for all this shit.

Putin's war in Ukraine is responsible for all this shit.

COVID is responsible for all this shit.

Biden, the uniter, is not reponsible for any of this shit because he is a Democrat...

Illegal Immigration is UP...

  • as is illegal drugs from Mexico
  • no covid tests for illegal immigrants
  • no disease tests for illegal immigrants
  • no skills testing for illegal immigrants
  • no English language speaking requirement for illegal immigrants
Where are they going to work?
Where are they going to live?
Who is going to pay for their healthcare?
Who is going to pay for their education?
Who is going to pay for their food?
Who is going to pay for their clothes?

I don't want these illegal immigrants living near me...  and, I don't want them camping on our streets or selling drugs to our children....   how much do you want to give these people without giving anything back?


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