Saturday, September 3

Going Into Space


NASA scrubbed the launching of the unmanned Artemis Space craft whose mission was to circle the moon while stress tests were going to be performed and then about a month later, Artemis would return to earth.  This would be a precursor flight where NASA had plans to later send a manned flight to circlle the moon and land on the moon for the purpose of constructing living structures for future flights.  These living structures would become a base station for flights to Mars.  Eventually, we would construct living structures on Mars.

While NASA is a government agency, their efforts does not preclude private companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, or Virgin Galactic from doing the same thing...  however,  it is entirely possible that these private companies would move faster than our Federal Government.   Our government would also not be able to stop other countries like China and Russia from doing the same thing.

Now here is the problem...

If the US spends all its money on social welfare programs and going GREEN, then they will have very little money left to explore outer space.  People will support social programs but will not support space exploration.

Whoever gets into space first will have a strategic military advantage...   in other words, they would have the HIGH GROUND.

The timeline for this to be a serious issue is 2030 which is only 7 years away.

If China does not spend money on GOING GREEN they will have all the money they need to explore space, especially if they join with Russia to make it happen.

By 2040, China/Russia could have built a military outpost in Outer Space while we are still focused on Electric Vehicles, Solar Energy, Open Immigrartrion, and Free College Education and making sure the blacks continue to hold the "balls" of the white population in their political vises.

However, as long as I have my student loan paid off, I don't give a rat's ass or a shit about what the Chinese and Russians might do...   it ain't personal...   I just want what I want and I want it right now...  pay up you wealthy bastards...

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