Thursday, September 15

Confidence in the Truth

For the last several days, my wife and I have been living in a condo at South Myrtle Beach...  we like this condo and have booked a week or two each summer (except for the COVID shutdown) for the last 5 years.  We are very far away from the amusement area as there is too much alcohol and drugs floating around on the streets.

My wife is out on the beach as soon as the lifeguards set up the umbrellas and chairs and I usually venture out there an hour or so later and we both leave the beach around 3/4 in the afternoon.  We then get "cleaned up" and go out for dinner and a little shopping or sometimes drive around and look at the various changes that have been made since last year.

In the mornings while drinking coffee, I watch FOX News because the other networks don't publish everything that is going on...  I am continuously amazed when the Biden administration and especially Biden himself make a speech saying he has the current inflation under control...  and he would be able to do more if he did not have to follow Trump as President...

I am also amazed when Biden says that our southern borders is CLOSED and that no illegal immigration is taking place...  and, according to FOX and the videos that take and the interviews they have with local police always seem to contradict what the President is saying...  in essence, JOE BIDEN is lying and the mainstream media just don't seem to give a shit.

One of these days, all these lies are going to bite the Dems in their big ole asses...  then, people like me will be the last one laughing...


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