Friday, September 9

Adding Value


As a result of my 45 year career, on of the most important things that I have learned is that EMPLOYERS only hire those people who they believe and/or perceive will add value to their company...

So what is adding value?

Adding value is more than just being present at work and providing a service.

If you are production worker...  then adding value might be:

  • exceeding production quotas
  • producing a quality product
  • keeping defects below the minimum
  • problem solving quickly

If you are an office worker...  then  adding value might be:
  • increasing your daily output
  • maintaining quality of the service
  • always being positive and proactive
  • achieving results

In all jobs what we see is:
  • Production Output
  • Quality of Work
  • Achieving Results
  • Solving Problems

Can you provide these services?
Do you have the mental skills?
Do you have the physical skills?
Do you have the knowledge skills?

If you get hired and then over the months receive lower than average pay raises....   or,
If you get hired and your annual performance appraisal is only average...  or, 
If you remain at the same task/job and are not offered more challenging work...  then,

YOU ARE NOT ADDING VALUE and will be the first one to get LAID OFF when the economy slows...

There is nothing personally against you...  it is just the reality of life in the USA these days...  and, as the international competition worsens, then ADDING VALUE and ACHIEVING RESULTS will become more critical...   and, just because you are an American, no longer means you will be the first person hired...

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