Tuesday, March 15

On Being White

 What am I trying to achieve here with the title of ON BEING WHITE...  well, it all started a couple of years ago when Black Lives Matter took off around the country and from that movement the DEFUND THE POLICE movement was spawned and cities around the country caved into BLM hoping that if they did this, it would appease the black community...  unfortunately, it did not work out as it was anticipated as crime in black communities increased rather than decreased.  These two initiatives spawned the movement of Critical Race Theory that is now taught in many of our public school systems in America...

Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary intellectual and social movement of civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to examine the intersection of race and law in the United States and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice. For example, the CRT conceptual framework is one way to study how and why US courts give more lenient punishments to drug dealers from some races than to drug dealers of other races. The word critical in its name is an academic term that refers to critical thinking, critical theory, and scholarly criticism, rather than criticizing or blaming people.  It first arose in the 1970s, like other "critical" schools of thought, such as Critical Legal Studies, which examines how legal rules protect the status quo.

It is because of critical race theory that these postings were created by me so that they could be posted and people could read what a white person thinks about this movement and how a white person reacts to being categorized unfairly by the black community.

In 1865, the Civil War in the USA ended as did slavery...  that was 157 years ago.  A generation is typically considered to be 30 years... so, that was 5 generations ago... or:
1.  father
2. Grandfather
3. Great Grandfather
4. Great Great Grandfather
5. Great Great Great Grandfather
In other words, my great, great, great, grandfather MAY or MAY not have owned slaves...  I don't know and to tell you the truth, I don't really give a shit what he did or did not do...

I don't even care what my father did or did not do...  all I care about is what I did/do or did not do/did.

My concern is that BLM and CRT are focusing on WHITES as a whole race for being the problem when in reality their focus should be on WEALTHY WHITES...  it is these WEALTHY WHITES that control our societies, our businesses, our schools, our courts, our news cycles, our law enforcement, our technology, our healthcare, and our military...  and, I say military because WEALTHY WHITES don't serve in the military under any circumstances.

I am not a WEALTHY WHITE and I have never been a WEALTHY WHITE...  which means I resent being classified as one...  consequently, I want to write about being white in America...

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