Tuesday, March 8

On Being White

Born with a Scorpion horoscope, I found myself the most happy when I am alone in the desert, living a life of isolation and self-reflection.

Let's be clear...

I was born CAUCASIAN... 82 years after the Civil War and the conclusion of slavery in the United States; therefore, I am not a part of slavery nor will I ever be a part of slavery and resent people telling me that because I am white, I am associated with slavery...

If you think I am a racist, then the fact that you think that about me, MAKES YOU A RACIST...  I am an American just as you are an American...  and, trying to identify or classify us in any other way, is not only misleading but ignorant because you are allowing the past influencing your future rather than using the past to make your future better.

MLK Jr. said that we should judge people by their actions not by their color...

Explain to me what is incorrect about that statement...

As a WHITE MAN living in the USA, I live my life as I want it to be lived, not as how you want me to live my life.  As a RETIRED WHITE MAN, I see us all as one group of people, some of which are good and some of which are bad...  Some of us live in the city, some of us live in the country, and some of us live in the suburbs.  Some of us live on the east coast or west coast, some of us live in the middle while some of us live in the north or south.

We have educated and non educated Americans, religious Americans, and non-religious Americans.  We have tall Americans, short Americans, fat Americans, and thin Americans, but we are all Americans.

YES...  I AM WHITE...  but, just like you:
  • I had no choice about my birth
  • I have no choice about my parents
  • I had no choice about my birth country or state
  • I had no choice about my birth body
  • I had no choice about my birth mentality
  • I had no choice about my birth personality

I suggest you think about this the next time you try and judge me...

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