Saturday, March 19

Off the Cuff

 Today, while I was minding my own business at my own home, the doorbell rang, and a middle-aged gentleman and his son were standing on the porch smiling...  I did not know them but I just knew that they were selling something that I immediately thought had something to do with the local high school.  But, when I opened the door, the first comment out of the mouth of the child was targeted as he asked me directly if I wanted to attend his church.

His father tried to open the storm door, but I held it close to the door frame and said that we already had a church...  thanked them...  then shut the door.  My wife who was standing in the kitchen asked me not to be so rude.  While I did not think I was being rude and acted no differently than I would have to any other door-to-door salesperson, my wife thought I should have been nicer to religious people.

For me...  a door-to-door salesperson is a door-to-door salesperson...  there ain't no difference just because they are selling a local church.

Why is a local church trying to build up its attendance?  Is their church not completely full on Sundays or are they trying to increase revenues?  Either way, it benefits them more than it does me.

Am I saying that I am not religious?  NO!  My beliefs are my own, but I will tell you this, I am against institutionalized religion, not religion as a belief.  I have a strong religious belief and will never lessen, in fact, it gets stronger as I get older...

But again, my beliefs are not in question here...  what is a concern, is why other churches and their congregations try to push their beliefs and their churches on you.  If I want to attend a church I will because I made that decision not because one of their members came to my door and invited me...  I probably will not attend because they came to my door as I would not want to share my beliefs with someone who had that kind of personality.

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