Wednesday, March 16

Off The Cuff

So...  who is this Volodymyr Zelenskyy dude anyway?  some sort of modern-day Churchill they say...  I saw and heard his speech this morning and I didn't think he was no Churchill...

But...  I also don't like the way he and his country are being treated by the damn Russians either...  I think we ought to go in there and kick some RUSKY ASS...

Then again...  maybe I'm just being mean...  like my ole man was...

Life is too short to have some sociopath from Russia try to take away our freedoms simply because he thinks that he can.  It kinda pisses me off that NATO and the UN are too chicken-shit to do anything about this...  and it also seems like our own Biden administration is a little chicken-shit as well...

I'm all for going green but not when it screws up our own economy and the hard-working men like myself or like I used to be, have to frigging pay twice what we used to pay for gasoline...  it also annoys the hell out of me that when my little honey goes to the market, the shelves are a little empty and she comes home a ballin' because she can't find what she needs to make what she promised me for dinner...

Well...  that shit kinda makes me mad and I end up drinking more than I should drink...  and then I got this frigging headache the next day that won't go away...

Life is just too sweet to have to live like this.

Congress needs to help out this little fellow from Ukraine and we need to show the rest of the world that we will defend any country...  any country in this world...  when another country tries to take away their freedoms...

That shit just ain't right no matter how the media tries to spin it...

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