Thursday, March 17

My Daily Journey

The Hindu religion/philosophy revolves around four basic principles...  the first is that god exists...  the second is that all human beings are divine...  the third is that there is a unity of existence...  and the fourth is a religious harmony...

In short ->>  God has created divine humans and in so doing has also created an environment of unity and harmony with all living things.

Christians believe in god but only see god as divine even though we were created in his image...  because of our sins for which jesus died, we cannot be divine.  Christians see our environment as something that was created for us and are not concerned with there being any unity or harmony unless it is with god.

This fundamental difference puts us in a position where we do not value life the same as Hindus because we see our purpose has serving god and not necessarily living in harmony and unity with one another.

perhaps Christians can learn a lesson here...

For the hindus there is a concept called karma...  which is basically the theory that for every cause there is an effect or for every effect there must have been a cause to generate it...  

While Christians have this in common with the hindus we don't live our lives based upon this concept...  in fact, we rarely think about it outside of a medical context.

However, we are beginning the understand the concept of unintended consequences which is a result of cause and effect but from the standpoint that the effects were never anticipated...  when perhaps they should have been.

A good example of this is the defund the police movement.

Hindus believe that there is a spark of god inside everyone's soul...

But what is the soul?

Is the soul the essence of the human being that which separates s/he from all other living creatures?

Hindus live a life that revolves around their philosophies of life whereas those who live in the USA live a life of conveniences...

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