Monday, March 7

My Daily Journey

As a child, I learned the value of play.

As a teenager, I learned the value of sports.

As a young adult, I learned the value of service.

As a mature adult, I learned the value of love.

As an middle-aged adult, I learned the value of work.

As a senior citizen, I learned the value of health.

As a retiree, I learned the value of being alone.

When alone, I learned the value of meditation.

When meditating, I learned the value of thoughts...

What is thought?
Is thought a memory?  or an idea?  or a concept?'
Is thought good or bad or indifferent?

Have you ever thought about:
What is our purpose here?
Why are we here?
Why is the universe so large?
Are we the only human life forms in the universe?
Is there a cosmic consciousness?

Where is my journey taking me - was the question that I have asked myself?  And, while I have no answers, I understand, in a fundamental way, that my journey is taking me somewhere...  and, that is not just to my death...  it is taking me to an awareness...  to an enlightenment...

Obviously, I need money to live...  but, I do not live for money...  and, there is a big difference because my quality of life is impacted by that decision...  in the sense of:  what kind of quality of life do I want to have?

How big of a house do I need to own?
Do I need to have a reliable vehicle?
How much food do I need to eat each day?
How can I maintain good health?
Do I need to void my mind of all thought?

My journey provides me with a series of questions that I try to answer throughout the day, knowing that all my answers are always going to be incomplete as I really won't know the answers when I want to realize them.  I will understand these answers only when I need to be aware of the answers for which I seek.

Understanding that it just happens this way, is the first step of your journey...

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