Sunday, March 6

Just A Few More Thoughts

 There is a southern expression that really applies here:  OPINIONS ARE LIKE ASSHOLES, EVERYBODY HAS GOT ONE...  and, I am cetainly no execption...

Are my opinions biased?

Of course they are...

Are my opinions from the heart?

That's affirmative as well...

In 1970, Edwin Starr, wrote the lyrics to the song WAR...  here is an excerpt:

War what is it good for?

Absolutely nothing...

And yet, Americans are constantly going to war...  but, not just a war like the Korean War, Vietnam War, or the war in Afghanistan...

We have racial wars, educational wars, political wars, religious wars, perception wars, freedom of speech wars, vehicle wars, border wars, marriage wars, and the obvious one would be relationship wars...

We are constantly fighting each other endlessly over what most of us might believe or perceive to be STUPID SHIT.

So, why do we do this?






I remember when I first started workimg after college and if I had an idea and presented to my boss, he would say to me that it was not a good idea but 3-6 months later, present it to his boss as if it were his idea....

Why are Americans like this?

Our society, I fear, will never change and if they will never change, then our global world can never come together and live life as it was intended to be lived...  although, maybe this was the way it was intended to be lived...

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