Tuesday, March 15

Health Concerns

Like this bear, my cancers and their treatments have a side effect of fatigue and I find myself needing a nap almost every afternoon.  This is difficult for someone who has always been active their entire life...  but, I suppose that once one enters their 70s that one's physical activities, in general, will decline.

Due to the consistent continuity of my diet, my blood work always shows that I am somewhat physically sound inside.  My glucose (sugar) levels have been steadily falling.  My bad cholesterol is 87 and my good cholesterol is 47 which my family physician that I just saw this week indicated that low good cholesterol is not necessarily a bad thing.

For the last 2-3 years, I have been counting my calorie intake on a daily basis and when I first started I was at 2500+ calories a day and have gotten down to between 1200 and 1800 calories a day but hardly ever over 2000 calories each day.

My daily diet is filled with low-fat food where my base was onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli, squash along with constant servings of beans, fish, and chicken and maybe 6 times a year red meat.  I have also eliminated sugars and fried foods, replacing them with air-fried food.

For your information - exercise does not cause weight to be lost...  the only thing that helps one lose weight is to eat less...  in fact, many recommend that you eat small meals every two to three hours...  I have tried that and it is not easy to maintain.

My goto fish is salmon and cod and chicken is chicken.  I eat Pita bread instead of white bread.  The Pita bread that I eat is only 60 calories each although some Pita can be as high as 140 calories.

My weakness is rice and since I know that then I take the time to wash out the starch and I only eat 1/4 to 1/3 cup of dried rice with one meal/day typically with beans and broccoli.

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