Saturday, March 5

From the MAYO Clinic

Some people wonder if walking offers enough health benefits to be worthwhile when considering exercise options. 

Walking can, indeed, be beneficial for both fitness and weight loss, as long as you walk at a moderate pace and get out and walk consistently!

One of the significant benefits of walking is that you don’t need any special equipment other than a good pair of shoes, and you don’t have to go to a gym!

Let’s start today! Here are some tricks to getting in those extra steps:
  1. Take the dog out for an extra walk
  2. Park far away from the entrance of the store when shopping
  3. Call a friend and catch up while walking
  4. Walk around the block while your kid is taking dance class/playing soccer
  5. Skip the drive-thru at the bank, pharmacy or restaurant and walk inside instead

Changing your lifestyle does not have to be overwhelming.

Adopt healthy habits and lose weight without being miserable.

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