Tuesday, March 8

From the Back Porch


East Tennessee, as I have mentioned before and in my opinion, is a great place to live for a variety of reasons?

  • less traffic
  • less polution
  • less crime
  • less wokeness
  • less expensive
  • more reacreational lakes
  • close to airport
  • close to Smoky Mtns
  • lots of farmland
  • excellent healthcare
  • calming lifestyle

In my backyard, I can watch squirrels and rabbits play and interreact with their environment.  Across the street from the front porch is an open field where families of deer roam free and easy without the fear of being hunted.  On either side of the house, I see birds of all sorts such as:

  • Cardinals
  • Blue birds
  • Blue jays
  • Doves
  • Black birds
  • Crows
  • Purple martins
  • Hawk
  • Woodpeckers
  • Robins
  • Finches
In fact, there are over 100 species of birds that make their homes in East Tennessee.  In the summer months, we put out feeders for hummingbirds and have a dozen or more of them visit us daily until they fly south when colder weather arrives.

I am no longer a victim of cable, but have internet access through a fiber optics company, and take out monthly subscriptions for Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime that completely meets and oftentimes exceeds my entertainment needs.  Plus, I now have reliable access to the internet 24/7 with NO PROBLEMS.

My 1500 square foot home, sits on an acre of land and while I have neighbors on either side of me is 100 feet of space between our houses.  In the front of the house as I mentioned, is an open field and behind us there is a good acre of land between my house and the next one.

In the summer, I have a garden of tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, and zucchini and less than a mile away from the house is a farmer's market where I can purchase anykind of fresh vege that I want cheaper than I can buy them at the grocery stores.  That includes cuts of beef as well, although I eat very little red meat.

Coming from the Piedmont of North Carolina, I can honestly say that I prefer East Tennessee after living here for over 30 years.

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