Friday, March 4

From the Back Porch

 It has been several weeks since I have actually been able to sit on my back porch and ponder the realities of my existence as it relates and interrelates with your existence as well as the existence of everyone in close proximity to me......

So, what the hell does that actually mean?

It means that I think about the world around me that includes my home and yard, my community, my city, my county, my state, my country, my hemisphere, my world....  in short, everything that life has to offer.

Specifically, it means, I think about gasoline prices, food prices, energy prices, healthcare, weather, politics, history, psychology, war, honesty, integrity, faith and belief, the future, and technology...  I added in technology because technology changes so fast and influences every aspect of our lives and if you don't keep up with technology, it will run over you and leave you behind.

BUT THIS MORNING...  I am thinking about the war in Ukraine and how Russia and in particular Putin, believes that he has the natural ability to take over territory...  just as we have the right, I suppose, to destroy him for his right once he acts upon it.

WAR reminds me of how people drive their vehicles in East TN...  and, while that may seem an odd comparison to you, it is perfectly logical to me.  Let me explain:

Whenever I get on the interstate, I drive the speed limit and sometimes 5 mph faster just because I can...  other cars pass me by as if I am standing still...  and, the demographics of such action includes everyone:  males, females, old, young, clergy, police, all races, all colors, all income levels, all educational levels...

WHY do they need to do this?
HOW much time do they save?
HOW much extra gasoline do they burn?
HoW many accidents do they cause?
WHAT examples do they set for their children?

In the city, these drivers speed as well...  even when there are several traffic lights.  I will be with several cars at a traffic light and the light turns and they speed away...  then, at the next traffic light, we are together again...  the light changes and they speed away...  then at the next traffic light, we are together again...

WHAT have they accomplished?

PUTIN takes over land that eventually the people will take back in the future because he can...  and drivers drive fast even though they gain very little in the proicess...  both actions are illogical, pointless, and stupid...  yet, everyone still does it...


Well, I suppose, because I can...  just like you driving your vehicle fast and/or deciding that you want to take someone else's land...

I think about other things as well...  and, I will get to those thoughts later...  maybe one of these will attract your attention and cause YOU TO THINK...

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