Friday, March 11

An Overview of it All

It seems like to me that the Russian war in Ukraine is what is dominating the news cycles these days...  and second to the war is gas prices and inflation...  we have forgotten all about our illegal immigration problem and our drug problem...

Our media seem somewhat fickled in this area...  only putting forth the news that is going to increase their ratings...  and overlooking the news that is not going to do that...

Here in the Tennessee Valley we are getting ready for a blast of snow that truly demonstrates how March is a transition month between winter and spring.  Curiously, while the snow will fall and may cover the roads and landscapes...  it will not stay long because the temps are going to rise into the high 40's the next day.

Is that going to take my focus off of the other issues that are going on in the USA and around the world?  NO...

While we are paying over $4/gallon for gas, it will not stop us from doing what we want or need to do...  what will happen is that we will simply reduce money in other areas of our budget.  It is annoying to have to do that, but it is what we have to do...

The wealthy people who control our society will not get hurt at all with inflation other than the value of their stock might reduce, lowing their net wealth...  but, overall, they are never impacted like the general public.

In order to have economic growth that benefits the general public, we have to accept the fact that there will be an enormous amount of wealthy people...  this is the tradeoff that we have been accepting for decades here in the USA - or at least since the end of WWII.

We all know that US Presidents come and go and that some of them are good and some are bad but none of them stay more than 8 years.  The US Congress can help or stand against these Presidents as they pass laws and approve budgets.  Our two parties have different views on how this country should be governed.  Presently, the US is divided 50/50 between these two parties...  so neither party currently has a mandate for governance.

Retirees will live about 20 years before they die for a variety of reasons...  their retirement is either good or bad depending upon how much money they have saved and how much receive from their company's retirement package.  Some retirees still have to work even if it is part-time.

WE MUST accept who we are or are not, what we have or don't have, and once that acceptance is accomplished we simply move on and live life as best as we can rather than bitching about what we don't have.

Watching the news each morning slants our views of life as it relates to us...  and not necessarily to others...  we regret what others may be going through and some of us might give money but that's it...  our main focus is on OURSELVES...

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