Thursday, July 2

WHY... Why... why?

WHY are not more WEALTHY AMERICAN BLACKS joining with BLM movement with personal appearances as well as giving money???

We have thousands of wealthy AMERICAN BLACKS who have made their money in Hollywood, Popular Music, Professional Athletics, and in business and the only AMERICAN BLACKS that I see protesting are the ones WHO ARE NOT WEALTHY...

It would help me understand it better if WEALTHY AMERICAN BLACKS join the BLM movement with their physical appearance and participation...  I would like to see them RIOTING, LOOTING, and PROTESTING because then and only then would I believe that they are SERIOUS and that the BLM movement is serious and not just a bunch of radical dissidents.

Glad I am Done With Working

When I think back on all the crap I put up while working on my career, it's hard to believe I actually survived 45 years in those working environments.  My first employer was a family operation and enjoyed taking money from a gullible pubic and pushing employees to their limits so that they could get wealthier.  My second employer was a Board of Director who during the day were nobodies where they worked and were routinely bossed around like the idiots they were, only to find a little bit of power on the Board controlling for the sake of controlling to achieve no purposes at all.

My third and fourth employers were Community Colleges that played a numbers game with FTE (full time equivalents) because that is how they generated revenues from the State Legislature and it did not matter if it was real or not as long as it was on paper.  The Presidents only wanted subordinates that did not challenge their authority and if that happened they had to go.

My fifth employer was a group of men who bought a division away from the parent for the sole purpose of building up its credentials so it could be sold for a substantial profit and none of those owners cared about the 6,000 employees that they were going to put on the unemployment line as long as they were able to turn a profit...  but, this employer was Shirley Temple compared to my sixth employer who simply lied to people and convinced them to spend $70,000 on education that was for all intents and purposes worthless.  The teachers this sixth employer hired were backed into a corner and told that if they did not pass students along whether they earned it or not that they would be fired.

My seventh and eight employers were colleges as well and while both of these institutions did try to maintain good student outcomes at a reasonable price, making sure that students really did earn their grade, the supervisors that worked at these schools were not ethical or loyal to their subordinates and if you did not agree with them, then they found some way to terminate your contract.

Long before my first employer, I spent two years in the military that is famous for it chain of command and following the rules and giving extra military instruction to those who tried to be independent.  And, there was a construction company, I worked at during the summers while I was a college student who built highways and simply expected everyone to work their asses off because that was the owner's mentality.  No special pay or higher rates of pay just a hard day's work expected, but as a college student I knew no better.

All-in-all, my work was rewarding and reassuring and what made it unbearable were the people with whom I worked or the people for whom I worked and the more Christian they claimed to be, the more horrible their leadership and guidance...  and, it was so remarkably bad that when I reached my full retirement age of 67, I could have worked longer, perhaps to 70 but I was so FED UP WITH MANAGEMENT that like my father could not wait to leave.

I lived modestly while working and I continue to live modestly being retired.  If I had more money I am not sure if I would live modestly or not, but I live this way because this is all that I can afford...  and, for the last 20 years have gradually toned down my expectations and needs in an effort to accept this way of life.  Consequently, I have gotten used to living modestly.

Part of my ability to live modestly is that I have NO DEBT.  My monthly expenses are right at $4,000 each month which allows my wife and I to take 4-5 vacations each year if we want to...  this year there has only been one, even though we had three planned...  BUT COVID-19 changed our plans.  My wife and I eat dinner out once or twice a week, sometimes breakfast or brunch on the weekends and have plenty of things to do around the house.

Ten years ago, I did some consulting on the side and we used that money to refurbish our house and make it handicap accessible, including putting in a pool, large deck, gazebo, and hot tub to be our vacation if we cannot afford to leave the house which has not yet been the case...  but, at 72 and 67 that time is right around the corner.

Wednesday, July 1

Just Another Fairy Tale...

I started this BLOG in March 2020 because after writing down my thoughts each day since 2001, I decided what the f _ _ _, I might as well share them with others as I really have nothing to lose and perhaps nothing to gain either but at least it gave me something to do each day now that I was retired...

In just 3 quickly passing months and while my readership is still not as high as readers would like, I have been visited by people from TEN FRIGGING COUNTRIES...  and, for me that is a success...  and, worth my continued writing...  although, if no one had visited this BLOG I still would be writing and posting here because I am still retired and have nothing better to do...  seriously...

I retired 5 years ago after working for 45 years and it was not a day too soon either as I had gotten pretty fed up with the bullshits that exists in the workplace by little people who have acquired a little power...  and, what they have not realized yet is that power is not taken, it is earned and given to that person by the people who are their subordinates.

Similarly, in a DOMINANT/submissive relationship, the POWER given to the DOMINANT has been given willingly and voluntarily by the submissive...  so, who really has the power? 

ALSO similarly, are our lives here on earth and the fact that our lives (none of whom asked for birth) were given to us as a gift by GOD or our CREATOR or by whatever other name you want to use...  our birth did not come because any of us asked for it and our death will not arrive either because any of us asked for it...  OUR LIVES ARE BEING CONTROLLED by HE who some of us worship and in so doing give HIM power and DOMINION over us whether we want it or not...   and, that my friends is TRUE POWER...

Why were YOU in particular given birth by your parents???
And, did your mom really give birth to you in the sense of allowing you to grow in her womb?
Was your birth location predetermined?
Were your parents predetermined?
Was your face predetermined?


was this some crazy result of SCIENTIFIC EVOLUTION OF SPECIES...  that miraculously took place over millions of years...  starting with the BIG BANG and later a POOL OF LIFE from which the first one celled animal grew which later created animals with millions of cells which later and after numerous cell and DNA mutations created MANKIND and over time, evolution quite unscientifically created white, black, brown, olive, and red creatures all of whom would fight each other for domination...  because that fighting survival GENE had evolved from their original DNA...



Tuesday, June 30


Barack Obama, an AMERICAN BLACK,  was President of the United States of America for 8 years... and, did that STOP RACISM?       


Why not?

Because BOTH BLACK AND WHITE AMERICANS were not ready to stop racism yet...  You must understand that it is not just the whites that are racist but the blacks are racist as well...  and, have no problems preaching that from the pulpits of their churches or writing about it in the lyrics of their RAP Music...

AMONG WELL-TO-DO BLACKS and those Blacks that are extremely wealthy there is minimal racism as both side have accepted the other side...  maybe not as equals yet...  but they have been accepted into the CLUBS OF WEALTHY and NOTORIETY...  especially among celebrities, and professional athletes, and professional musicians...  but, these people DO NOT represent a majority of Americans....

At best, wealthy people represent 10% of the American Population...

The other 90% are RACISTS...  to one degree or another...  otherwise, it would have literally been IMPOSSIBLE to PERPETUATE RACISM...

Think about that a little...

Other examples, if you need more proof...

  1. Why have we not been able to eliminate poverty in the USA?
  2. Why have we not been able to improve K-12 education in the USA?
  3. Why have we not been able to stop ILLEGAL DRUGS in the USA?
  4. Why have we not been able to reduce the wealth gap in the USA?
  5. Why have we not been able to stop domestic violence in the USA?
  6. Why have we not been able to reduce INEQUALITY in the USA?

2020 Election Concerns

Listening to FOX NEWS this morning, there appears to be growing concern about Russia's paying bounties to the TALIBAN in 2019 to attack American soldiers AND IF President Trump knew about this and still tried to maintain a foreign policy that was favorable to Russia.  However, the data contained in the article published by The New York Times has not been VERIFIED as being TRUTH and yet all the TRUMP HATERS are saying Trump is SELLING OUT the US because of his friendship with Putin which verifies that Russia got Trump elected in 2015...

What amazes me is the ONGOING ATTACK on Trump and that this attack has been going on for 4 years because the DEMOCRATS did not expect TRUMP to win the election and they are after him one way or the other...

AND, what is the ALTERNATIVE to Trump...  JOE BIDEN...

As far as I am concerned...  I really don't give a RAT'S ASS who wins the election but what I do care about is what is best for the USA...

BIDEN wants to raise taxes and that is not good for Americans because those monies will be redistributed to those Americans who don't want to earn it themselves...

Workers with more money in their pockets DO NOT HIRE OTHER WORKERS...

When taxes are increased on corporations and the wealthy, these people and entities will LAY OFF WORKERS to compensate which is why employment has not been as high as it was under the TRUMP administration before the Pandemic...  FACT...  not fiction...

Raising Taxes will not stop RACISM in AMERICA...

RESTRUCTURING the police departments will not stop RACISM in AMERICA...

Will Biden be tough on Europe, NATO, UN, Trade Deals, Russia, China, North Korea, Terrorists or will he and the rest of the Democrats want to sit down at a table and discuss possibilities and then walk away and believe what the other side told them that they would do...  BELIEVE YOUR ENEMY...


Pitfalls of Going On Vacation

Unless you let someone or something else take you to your vacation destination, you will be driving a vehicle...  either your personal vehicle, your family vehicle, or a rented/borrowed vehicle...  and, unless you are the type of person who ALWAYS DRIVES THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT or lower, you run the risk of getting stopped by LAW ENFORCEMENT and given a speeding ticket which on the surface is not very much (including court costs or whatever else they add on) but there are points that are assessed against your driver's license which depending on the number of tickets you receive could cost you to lose your driving privileges.
However, since there are far more drivers the highway patrolmen and other law enforcement that helps out from time-to-time, the odds of you getting a ticket are actually slim and far between.  For a while there, I was getting a moving violation ticket about once every ten years which neither impacts one's bank account or insurance premiums very hard.  In fact, if you stay inside a pack of cars that are moving faster than the posted limits, the odds are that the WHOLE GROUP WILL NOT BE STOPPED and if they stop anyone, it will be the first car or the last car in the pack.

So, driving to and from has never really bothered me but this has...
in order to go on vacation, there is always a list of STUFF that must be done before you leave, like:
  • mowing the lawn
  • checking our the vehicle
  • gathering up clothes
  • gathering up food
  • making lists of items not to forget
  • making sure the pets are cared for
  • putting the water tank on vacation
  • unplugging numerous plugs from outlets
  • leaving a light in the hallway burning
  • cleaning the house - people that care for pets come inside
  • packing the car
  • getting to one's destination
  • not liking the accommodations
  • bad weather
  • not planning enough or too much

and then, once you return, you must:         
  • unpack the car
  • wash the dirty clothes
  • put away items
  • wash the car
  • take care of neglected pets
  • mow the yard
  • clean the house
  • redo everything that was undone

NOW...  when I was working (retired now), right about the time our week of vacation was over, I had relaxed enough to start really enjoying our vacation...  only to find, it all had to be rewound...

BEING RETIRED...  is really the only way to go on vacation to get the absolute most out of the experience.

Monday, June 29

How Far Do We Go?

COME TO THINK OF IT...  but, if you have ever played a game of chess, then you will remember that one side is WHITE and one side is BLACK...  I wonder if that was intentional?

And, I also wonder if WHITE FOLKS will be able to get out in the sun and get a SUN TAN or for that matter go to a TANNING BED...


AND...  will the Ace of Spades still be called the Ace of Spades or will it now need to be called the Ace of Color...  but, that might conflict with the Ace of Clubs since it too is black.

AND, will it still be PITCH BLACK on some nights?

AND, will the pot still be able to call the kettle black?

AND, what about Black Beard the Pirate?

AND, will we still be able to order Black cars or eat blackberries?

AND, will physicists have to rename BLACKHOLES and DARK MATTER and DARK ENERGY?

It's Time For A New America...

We need to replace our American Flag with a new Flag
We need to replace our US Constitution with a new US Constitution
We need to REMOVE all statues and put them in museums
We need to REMOVE law enforcement and replace it with street monitors
We need to FORCE PEOPLE not to hate
We need to give more money to American Blacks because of slavery

And, once we have accomplished those goals, we need to assess where we are and see if we need to do more...

America can no longer be WHITE AMERICA with WHITE VALUES and WHITE JOBS and WHITE WEALTH and WHITE POWER...  and, America can no longer share all of these aspects of American life with AMERICAN BLACKS...   NO...  we must make AMERICA BLACK and force AMERICAN WHITES to serve their new leaders...

No more white babies should be born
No more white ministers and pastors
No more white airline pilots
No more white college professors
No more white CEO's
No more white millionaires or billionaires



YES...  some people would lead you to believe that it is...  but why?  Because of slavery that ended over 150 years ago...  which is about 10 generations ago as well...  plenty of time to remedy the ills of what the white man did to the black man...   BUT...  time has not healed these wounds...  according to American Blacks, these wounds have grown deeper...  and, they are basing this claim on a few BAD WHITE COPS who have apparently and intentionally killed American Blacks because they do not value their life as much as they value their own...  HOWEVER...  not all AMERICAN WHITES feel this way nor do they allow their behavior to convey those thoughts either.  STILL...  AMERICAN WHITES are getting angry with AMERICAN BLACKS who are pushing these feelings onto the rest of America's residents...   and we, myself included, are getting pissed off because I do't feel like these other AMERICAN WHITES nor do my actions replicate any of what these other AMERICAN WHITES are doing and yet I am blamed all the same...


Celebrating JULY 4

For Americans

On July 4th, the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on the 4th became the day that was celebrated as the birth of American independence.

What does July 4th mean to/for AMERICAN BLACKS?
Well...  the best way to answer that is to take a looksee at Thomas Jefferson...

According to WIKIPEDIA:  "Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, owned more than 700 African-American slaves throughout his adult life. Jefferson freed two slaves while he lived, and seven more after his death. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the international slave trade, outlawed while he was President, while he advocated gradual emancipation and colonization of domestic slaves.  

Jefferson believed black people were inherently inferior to white people and thought it was best the two races remained segregated."

NOT BEING BLACK MYSELF, I cannot fully grasp nor can I fully appreciate what this means for our American Black Communities...  Our great country is BASED UPON the US CONSTITUTION and it is the same US CONSTITUTION, written by the slave owner Thomas Jefferson who believed blacks were inferior... that saw BLACKS as 2/3 of a person...

How in the hell can someone actually be TWO THIRDS OF A PERSON?

It is also INTERESTING, at least to me how AMERICAN BLACKS refer to themselves as African Americans when that is not actually ACCURATE especially since they were born in the USA...  You are AMERICAN BLACKS with African Heritage...

BUT, that is really a minor point when it comes to our 4th of JULY CELEBRATIONS and how AMERICAN BLACKS participate in those celebrations because there is really no CELEBRATION for them at all until the Emancipation Proclamation which was an Executive Order of Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1962...

This is the date that AMERICAN BLACKS should be celebrating and this date should be a NATIONAL HOLIDAY... 

But, what is even more interesting is the fact that while Abraham Lincoln did not directly own slaves, his wife owned slaves while they were married...

If I was an AMERICAN BLACK IN TODAY'S WORLD,  I would be just as pissed off at Abraham Lincoln as I am with all of the Founding Fathers that owned slaves and would want his statue removed along with all the other statues.

IN FACT, I would arrange an HUGE PROTEST MOVEMENT on the 4th of July because it is not really a Day of Independence FOR AMERICAN BLACKS...

Sunday, June 28

What Happened?

A lifelong Democrat turned conservative, but not Republican is who I am today but my greater concern is what I fear for this country...  that she is changing for the worst right before my eyes...  filled with racial hatred that has divided her colors and whose anger has torn down the historical fabric of the tapestry that made her great...  her enemies watch in AWE as we do their work for them...  knowing that DIVIDED we will fall as we care more about ourselves than each other...  no longer will we stand together willingly but do so forced knowing one color hates the other...  knowing one color wishes the other color were gone forever...  knowing that one color will NEVER BE EQUAL to the other color...  as long as we see COLOR instead of seeing us all as AMERICANS...  and, knowing that there will always be someone who points out these two colors with their obvious mutations and variations of the DNA, our unity will always be in question...

We have only ONE SOLUTION that will take decades perhaps centuries to manifest and that is interracial marriages and the one basic color of their off springs could possibly UNITE this great country of our but by that time...  CHINA, RUSSIA, and/or the Middle East will have taken over our country economically and our country and her resources will be controlled for their benefit...


I wish I could and honestly it does not seem possible but DIVISION causes suffering and heartbreak as we have already seen in this country...  and with each death or each conflict worsens our hatred for the other side, seeking only revenge not unity.

First Lieutenants who were mean to their subordinates were not protect by their subordinates in battles in Vietnam and many of these officers did not return home to their families...  it was more than a color thing there but color was involved.

The unnecessary and senseless murder of GEORGE FLOYD has opened the COLOR flood gates and these flood gates of racial tensions and hatred WILL NOT soon be closed until one eased has been appeased by BENDING OVER BACKWARDS TO MEET THEIR CURRENT NEEDS...  however,
meeting current needs, refurbishing the police departments, and taking down statues that reflect and remind those who are COLORED of the Slavery and the civil war...   UNFORTUNATELY WILL NOT STOP OR END RACISM in the US of A anymore than giving reparations to BLACKS because of slavery will make them FINANCIALLY EQUAL...

In order to be FINANCIALLY EQUAL to someone who is WEALTHY that person MUST HAVE EARNED their financial wealth not inherited it or be given it by the government...  otherwise, they are still not equal and will never be accepted into the WEALTHY CLUBS in our country...

OPRAH WINFREY, MICHAEL JORDAN, and DENZEL WASHINGTON and all those people of color who are like these 3 people of color EARNED THEIR WEALTH the hard way, the old fashion way, the way of hard work and blood, sweat, and tears...  They are wealthy because they DESERVE to be wealthy and in so doing have the COMPLETE RESPECT of whites and blacks alike.

THESE THREE and people like them DON"T SEE COLOR they see AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY for those who want it but not those who want to be given it...  American Racism, Slavery, and Statues did not bother them and if they did they did not let it stand in the way of their DREAMS or their SUCCESS...