Saturday, January 4



We are well into the new year; this year of 2025 and we have a new President that has divided the country into half with his election.

You either like or dislike Trump, I doubt there are too many not on either extreme.

Personally, I don't care one way or the other who is President because for the last 30 years my married life has not really been impacted by who our President is or is not.

Most of the people with whom I have worked or been associated with as friends, do not really care about who the President is and adjust their lives accordingly depending upon what happens in the economy.

For instance, I have been retired since 2015 along with my wife and no President has interfered with our lifestyle and how we wanted to live our lives.  COVID stopped us from traveling for a couple of years and I suppose you could blame it on a President, but the blame falls on CHINA.

Some states were locked down others were not; several were killed because doctors were not really sure what they were dealing with.  All of that was unfortunate and leaders made mistakes, but I doubt any of us would have done any better.

My wife and I are debt free and have a simple lifestyle that has not been impacted by Presidents for over 30 years and the same thing was true in my first marriage of 20 years.

If you are smart, you will simply find a way to adjust and move on and learn from your lessons of experience, make adjustments, or acquire different kinds of training.

It is all up to you really.

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